I was bucking 30 inch logs today using a Stihl 461 with a 20 inch bar. When I made my initial cut, the saw cut really well; however, as my saw buried further into the wood and I rotated the tip of the bar inward towards the pith of the tree, it felt like the saw was pinching near the tip of the bar. The cuts are straight but it felt like there was some sort of binding. I made multiple cuts and it happened every cut. So it’s not the pressure from one end of the log being in the air or the log bridging. The log was completely flat on the ground. It appears to be a chainsaw issue. My question is, is it the chain or the bar, or a combo of the both? And while I’m asking. As I said the cuts were straight, but are crooked cuts the result of the chain or bar too? I feel like I can fix a dull chain but when this pinching stuff happens or crooked cuts happen, I’m not sure how to fix that. Can get very frustrating and time consuming. Thanks