50:1 mix isn't a problem if you're using a modern quality mix.
But your gas could still be the issue. High octane gas burns cooler. Gas additives burn hotter, (avoid methanol).
If you were doing any of the following:
1) Regular mixed gas on a warm/hot day,
2) Methanol or other additive gas,
3) Leaning your saw out, i.e. high pitched and great performance for a really short time.
4) Have you been cited for failure to clean your air filter?
5) Not warming your saw up gently or running the tank out to the last drop.
When you do get it fixed, tell us what side of the piston took the most damage. If it was the carb side, we'll say too lean on the tune. The exhaust side and we'll suggest too rich. Pictures help.
{This can get complicated; If you were limbing fast for a couple tanks, that type of operation is high RPM's and possibly a contributor when combined with one of the above. Conversely, bucking larger diameter stuff will load a saw down and lower RPM can actually help a saw be somewhat on the cooler side.}
And you never know. Maybe the bottom end wore out and air got in there.