Cut Split Stack Burn
My daughter is a mentor hunter, so she was permitted to take any "buck" the old PA days. We saw four bucks yesterday, one may have been legal to current standard. I think that has discouraged a lot of new/younger hunters and that's why we don't see the rifle hunters anymore. If you made a new hunter abide by the current standards, they wouldn't be a deer hunter very long. My father and myself haven't shot a buck in probably five years, since they made these new restrictions.
I also think that's why everyone is chasing archery, they have better weather and times right during the rut...why should I stand in the cold during off-times? I personally don't agree with archery, but that is my opinion.
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My daughter also had the JR hunting rights, no point restrictions on her either. She had two walk by her, just couldn’t put it all together yet...