Still have not finished storm cleanup, but I did finally resolve the electrical issue.
When the power went out, and we went on generator, every time I started the generator one of my GFI outlets tripped. Of course it was the one behind the bookcase that I had forgotten about because it has not tripped in 35 years!
Since the downstairs freezer in on that circuit, it was important to reset it each time.
When the power came back on, it would not re set. So no problem, I move the bookcase just enough to squeeze in there and install a new GFI outlet with a headlamp for light.
You would think they keep the wiring the same on these darn things, and I was real carful to keep track of where each wire was connected.
Well, turns out the new outlet has a different wiring pattern than the old one, and my old "hot line" testing screwdriver (with the little light) no longer functions … AAAAHHHHH!!!!
Of course I did not realize that at first, and spent some time ensuring the ground was properly connected!
After several tries I finally got it right, but no fun! My 1/2 hour project took 1/2 a day instead!