Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Pretty cool

It’s funny, I often think to myself “I wonder what the older fellas in scrounge think about……”

Lot of wisdom in the group of guys in this thread
I couldn't agree more. Figured this was the beast group to ask about something like this. If nothing else, everyone would like seeing a pretty cool model engine.
Looks like a little hit and miss engine to me. Pretty cool. Looks like you could power stuff from the "drive" side. The heavy flywheel should keep it
Yes, there's a pully to run a belt on it opposite the flywheel. I'm assuming it had a purpose at some point, you can see some wear in the groove like a belt was running in it.
I'm having a really hard time figuring out what type of engine it is, it doesn't seem to fit into any one class. There's no carb, no govenor, no hot/glow tube. You light the wick, and slide it under the tin shield, and it's supposed to run after you give it a spin. I'm leaning more towards an odd ball hot air/ stirling engine, but I can see the cylinder is full of soot/ carbon so I'm sure it's some sort of "internal" combustion engine.
My logging buddy swung by tonight. Had to fix one of his saws, and figure out where his truck was leaking brake fluid. He forgot the new brake handle for his saw. So he ran back to his place and came back with the part and this little model engine. All we know about it is it was locally made, and supposed to be 1/4 hp. Anyone know anything about it? He said you burn kerosene in the wick pot, it's a pain to get started but will run all day one it's running. Says crafted by m m stauffer 1981 on the base plate. I started cleaning it up before he left. I'm super excited to have it. Really want to run it, but wanted to see if the infinite wisdom of my scrouge buddies can tell me any info on it?

It's a hot air engine, called a flame eater or flame licker. Lots of different designs are available. That one looks well made.
