second injuryfor the same man

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It is far easier for large companies to strictly enforce rules because the employees know if they got canned, the company would lose less than 1% of the workforce. A small company with 3-5 employees would lose 20-33% of the workforce. That makes each individual far more valuable. One time I did fire my only 2 employees. One climber and one groundman. My advantage was I know how to climb and was not at the mercy of the climber and was not about to take any attitude from him and his brother (the groundman). It set me back about 3 weeks, but after they were gone I got better employees and business gets better.

I've been extremely busy and sorry my posting has been way down. I have had Awsomeclimber Derek here for 4 days helping me as I have been left with no staff!

In the 4 days that Derek was here we had 2 different new guys ready to start, we even rang them the night before and they were Keen as mustard, full of promises, and on both days no show!!

The two of us got all the work done and we have had some huge days, hardly even time for a pic let alone video.

So, I'm with you, **** happens and staff are bloody hard to find ... this is just typical here as we enter our hotter period.

Climbers? Thank goodness I can do that to as they're rare, and good ones are incredibly rare.

W/C rules are ****, its a crazy world filled with stupid rules. Just keep your eye on the tree, and have the young fella wear some chainsaw pants if he's a goer ... **** happens.
he's probably still healing from the chipper hit, so he's favoring his leg, causing him to fall and cut himself. keep him on the ground for 5 or 6 weeks ,longer, let things heal up. your injured climber, who sounds like a hell of an employee, will be back in the trees soon enough. in the meantime his competitive friend can do all of the climbing, after a month or so he'll be happy to see the other guy back doing production.

DS, you sound like a great employer, thats nice to read about.
well guys quick update on my climber ,,,sure nuff around noon he calls in asking to borrow a chain saw for a small side job him with his 15 staples .... i let him have that a throwline and a rope .... and my baby 394xp .... i made sure it wasent any job related to our company .... he said it was a friend of a friend s ... quick money he nees for the week end ..... i was pretty amazed ..he said it doesent really hurt unless i touch it
anhow we finished up the injury job and the crew is on the way in from doing yet another job so the week has turned up .... a good week after all course its not over yet [[[actuallly theres my truck pullin in ]]] time to make pay roll .... dark

Sorry to hear about BC/BS dropping your guy. But what I don't get is why Workmans Comp hasn't picked up the bill.

Do you have WC? does your State require it?

If you don't have it and this guy gets hurt enough times or worse, hurts or kills someone else, you will be held extremely responsible.

Cutting this guy so much slack, including loaning him gear for a "side job" when he should be on the disabled list is playing russian roulette.

What you are describing here is a pattern of exceptions and behaviour that will not look very good for you when you end up being sued.

Sounds like you are stacking the odds in favor of the first person to file suite against your company.

Beware my friend and play it smart...better to lose a little business trying to do things right rather than being put out of business by skirting the edges. The short term is not nearly as important as the long term.
rfwoodvt .... i totally agree ... at this point after talking with him in lenght ...after he brought my saws back and ropes .....only the day after he got hurt .... hes a loose cannon .....and id appreciate any other response here .... so he comes in today the day after getting 15 staples and this is where it get hard ,,,,, he was all red faced ...and obviously worked ... over heated .... he doesent drink so ... anyhow the pull over that he described ...well could not be pulled over so he climbed a severe lighting struck tree and topped it lowered limbs etc etc .... ive seen him for 4 years in action ...and if he says it was dangerous IT WAS .... i ask him why the hell he is doing this ....what gives ...i tell him look bro you gotta slow down ....he says i gotta provide for my family ...i respond well what if you are not here ,,,,,,, cool as he says you got a point there jerry ..... now im left to think this one out ,,,,,,,
And whats with no chaps? That should be manditory from the owner. If someone does not wear their safty equipment....
First. Warning
Second. Fine
Theird. Bye
Sounds like he may be under some financial pressure. Creditors beating down the door...he's doing stupid stuff to make ends meet. At least I have more respect for that kinda guy than somebody who wil lsit on his butt waiting for a government dole. Good luck and hope you guys can work things out,
In all fairness to the climber, I know what he means about having to provide...I spent a week in the hospital and 3 weeks resting fafter having a blood clot form in my heart this past June. ....sucked sitting around...I had ta get back to work.

But, cooler heads prevailed and I'm learning to slow down. He can too. Then Again, if he keeps this stuff up he may well end up not being able to work at all.

I had a buddy in the fire service who would always take a moment to grab a drink of water and take a leak when a call came in... I thought he was NUTS! but, he explained, the 30 seconds or so that he took to calm down was insurance that he would get to the alarm alive.

the tree will be there, the work will be there, Customers always want it yesterday, but all we have is today. Makes one stop and think...

Make sure your guy knows that you actually care about him and his family. Make sure that he know you will do what you can so that he can make the smart choices for them.

Help him....just remember that helping means teaching to fish, not giving him the fish, or excuses.

Hang in there...Think it through...then go and do whats right for all concerned.
Great for you being a caring boss, that is how respect is gained from employees. It sounds like you have a decision on your hands, this is a part of being a boss that sucks. I do have a policy with anyone that works for me and that is no cutter pants (chaps) or PPE then no work. I give them $ to wards equipment so there is no excuse for not having or using them.

This is a great time to enforce a chaps rule for your guys, now they can see first hand what happens when you do not were them. And I know that they are there for last resort, and in this type of work shoot happens.

Darkstar good luck and let us know what happens.
mr.darkstar. have you talked with your other climber? I think you should mandatory groundy for 6wks . is this guy a (hacker) on the side ,or is he useing your company name to get the side jobs. reason being ,he got hurt on your time you took care of him , your money,down time , more stop it now!! before this guy gets killed! we hear of these accidents all the time on this site and 2 out of3 says I should have seen it comming, I should done something sooner. if you are as honest a person as you sound then this EMPLOYEE should listen to the OWNER/BOSS or its time to say by-by. sharpstikman
mt stress level is eating me alive ...i can feel a big funky hollow place in my gut .... good news is i head to spain for 2 weeks in about 10 days ...thats gonna help
we have a meeting planned for monday morning i think with some new rules enforced after that things are going to slow down and become a bit safer .
otherwise im shutting down for a spell ... we got 2 months work sheduled in advance but things have got to be right ...
ill make it so thanx dark

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