I hope I’ve got this in correct category. If it belongs elsewhere kindly let me know. First visit in a decade by my estimate.
This Husky’s been a great splitter since buying in 2016. Good Koholer engine. Today it started blowing hydro fluid out when the control lever is moved to the splitting mode right at the point where hydro line connects to the control lever. (The line comes straight up and connects under the lever.) The fitting is something I’m not familiar with. Looks like 2 hex nuts close together - one on top the other. No more than an inch between them. I tried tightening the one on top nearest the leak. Moved a bit. Slowed the leak but didn’t stop it. I can feel what feels like a rough rubber gasket or washer where it connects. ISTM the next logical move would be to loosen it completely and see if there’s an O ring or gasket that might be easily replaced and solve the problem. However, afraid of doing more damage than good. Other than doing oil changes, etc. no mechanical experience.
All the shops are backed up with work up here in northern Michigan. Called dealer for guidance but no help. Best bet would be to take it to nearest town 30 miles away. A long way to tow or haul it. I’m willing to take a stab at fixing it myself first. Would appreciate some guidance as to what type of connector I’m probably looking at and whether anyone has replaced a gasket or O ring on one of them before. I should add I’ve been pushing it pretty hard for a few days. Big tough chunks. And a split off portion of one accidentally got jammed behind the control lever yesterday when running. Kept putting pressure into the cylinder with the wedge trying to retract / wouldn’t allow lever to retract fully. I did shut it down and hammer out the piece that had jammed behind the lever. Probably what led to today’s leaking - but who know?
Thanks for any help. Feeling pretty desperate as the trouble of transporting it 30 miles for repair plus the down time would be tough. Took a shot of the coupler I’ve been trying to describe. On the left of photo. It’s at the top edge of the top hex nut where the leak is. You can’t see the control lever in photo, but it is directly above.
Hope this video works.
This Husky’s been a great splitter since buying in 2016. Good Koholer engine. Today it started blowing hydro fluid out when the control lever is moved to the splitting mode right at the point where hydro line connects to the control lever. (The line comes straight up and connects under the lever.) The fitting is something I’m not familiar with. Looks like 2 hex nuts close together - one on top the other. No more than an inch between them. I tried tightening the one on top nearest the leak. Moved a bit. Slowed the leak but didn’t stop it. I can feel what feels like a rough rubber gasket or washer where it connects. ISTM the next logical move would be to loosen it completely and see if there’s an O ring or gasket that might be easily replaced and solve the problem. However, afraid of doing more damage than good. Other than doing oil changes, etc. no mechanical experience.
All the shops are backed up with work up here in northern Michigan. Called dealer for guidance but no help. Best bet would be to take it to nearest town 30 miles away. A long way to tow or haul it. I’m willing to take a stab at fixing it myself first. Would appreciate some guidance as to what type of connector I’m probably looking at and whether anyone has replaced a gasket or O ring on one of them before. I should add I’ve been pushing it pretty hard for a few days. Big tough chunks. And a split off portion of one accidentally got jammed behind the control lever yesterday when running. Kept putting pressure into the cylinder with the wedge trying to retract / wouldn’t allow lever to retract fully. I did shut it down and hammer out the piece that had jammed behind the lever. Probably what led to today’s leaking - but who know?
Thanks for any help. Feeling pretty desperate as the trouble of transporting it 30 miles for repair plus the down time would be tough. Took a shot of the coupler I’ve been trying to describe. On the left of photo. It’s at the top edge of the top hex nut where the leak is. You can’t see the control lever in photo, but it is directly above.