ArboristSite Lurker
Just need to get a little advice on sharpening my climbing spurs does anyone know of a site that gives good instructions on how to go about it
since I am an "over 250" guy, I prefer to NOT sharpen my gaffs much at all. I hate having to pull them back out when they dig in too deep!
since I am an "over 250" guy, I prefer to NOT sharpen my gaffs much at all. I hate having to pull them back out when they dig in too deep!
since I am an "over 250" guy, I prefer to NOT sharpen my gaffs much at all. I hate having to pull them back out when they dig in too deep!
My only problem with my gaffs is if I need to climb a well seasoned telephone pole to drop phone or cable lines when they're not avoidable (painful story associated with it).
Might have something to do with the fact that I stuck a gaff clean through my big toe several years back when I was swinging from one tree to another.