Double Naught Spy
I run into that also. I just drop a split piece in front of the foot.One thing to check for is that at full extension there's not a big gap between the point of the wedge and the plate or pusher. On my Oregon it's about 2". Many of the wood species I burn don't spit all the way on my splitter. Sometimes I can separate them by hand or by retracting the wedge a bit and pulling the split away. Sometimes I have to reverse the round in the splitter to try to split it from the other side. It slows down the splitting quite a bit. I need to make a spacer that will eliminate the gap. The species I have that are a problem this way are tan oak, bay, coast live oak. Bay is the worst. Eucalyptus is not so bad when it's green. Madrone and doug fir are fine.
Mine says troy bilt on it. 27 ton and I have yet to stall it out in the about 7-8 years I've had it.
I did this just to see if I could. It sucked. Took awhile to chunk it down.
What I've figured out when handling big pieces, I use 3 4 ft chunks of 1 1/2 or 2" pvc pipe with 2x6 boards n between. Makes it a LOT easier to move into postion. I roll the round in front of the splitter and flop it down. If you measure the diameter and position the round that distance in front of the splitter, the first split is easy.