Should c.a.'s boycott maple syrup?

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Mar 29, 2006
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New York (the state, not the city.)
I see alot of flak on this site over gaffing trees. Yet I have never heard anyone have a problem with how maple syrup is made. I guess gaffing trees is a no-no but drilling millions of holes into millions of healthy sugar maples every spring to collect sap is ok? How odd.

(Personally I have nothing against maple syrup. A sugarbush has been in my family for over 50 years. Just curious.)
Good one, the sky is falling crowd should boycott maple syrup, makes sense.
TreeCo said:
It really hurts to see how maple trees are tortured for the pleasure of mankind. If only you guys could hear the trees scream out in pain like we certified arborist can you would understand.


he he....I try to hate you because you're such an instigator but I love your sense of humor. Good one!
why stop there?

The tree holocaust has been on-going.
All those pine in the south that were 'milked' in the same manner as maple trees for turpentine and tars for boat waterproofing.
Who was there for them?

I propose an underground railroad to save what we can at this point.

Perhaps we can recover some of the syrup, rehydrate it and make amends.

Who speaks for the trees?
Who came up with this nonsense idea that trees serve man?

Probably the idea is as old as the Bible.

And if the tree owner wants me to reduce the end weight on a big beech tree, and doesn't expect big spur tracks up the trunk, that is also trees, and tree service serving man.

This arguement is getting really old.

Maple syrup feeds man, so the owner makes the decision to wound the trees for the sweet harvest.:p , even though the wounding shortens their lives.

Landscape trees get spiked, because the climbers do not know how or are not equipped or trained to climb well without them. Even though the wounding shortens the lives of both the trees and the climbers. One minute per spike wound, about the same as a puff on a cigarette.:bang:

If smoking and spiking
Are much to your liking,
You'll hack like a Viking;
You'll ne'er be a Sky King!



Response # 2:

"Why yes, Doctor, you can give me a shot to make me better.....Ow! Ow! why do you keep sticking me with that needle?"

"It's for your own good, and all those tiny holes couldn't hurt a flea! I'm in too big a hurry to call for a ladder, or learn how to climb. I'm the Doctor, so relax!"

Beeches are one of the easiest species to climb, if you know how to tie in right and redirect. Climbing trees spikeless is not rocket surgery.:yoyo:
And where does rubber come from?

There are trees designated for aesthetic purposes and those used for production of various things such as rubber and maple syrup.

When the two are confused seek psychiatric help rather than troll away on a forum and wind up those CA's. :hmm3grin2orange:

Cant believe they actually bought into it.

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How about that fanatic holiday christmass. Cutting a perfectly pruned tree down to put on display on your house only to throw to the trash days later. The life of years to grow for a purpose served in days. Worst of, it is repeated year after year.

Sounds worse than the big game trophy hunters to me.
At night.......... can hear the broccoli screaming. Early in the morning I toss and turn knowing in my heart that somewhere in the world there are baby carrots going to bed without water, peas being abused, trees being milked like cows, corn having its ears torn off, people stalking rhubarb, even eggs are beaten, it crosses all boundaries. Will the insanity ever end!!!!!!????

Aw man, I cannah continue, the salty tears I cry are for sauce, my trembling hands mince garlic. :help: :help:


If you put two slanting cuts in a Sabal bermudana (Bermuda palmetto) collect the sap, ferment it, you get BIBI, a highly intoxicating drink, laws were passed in the 1600's to prohibit Bibi making 'cause all the workers sent over to grow tobacco were laying around p!$$#d all day:cheers: instead of making $$$ for Lord toot toot - hmm tobacco, leaves ripped off, baked in the sun, twisted rolled, burnt......:cry:

This topic's a giggle!
Bermie said:
If you put two slanting cuts in a Sabal bermudana (Bermuda palmetto) collect the sap, ferment it, you get BIBI, a highly intoxicating drink,
:cheers: Does it give you much of a hangover?:chainsaw:

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