Your welcome. The chuck n duck is not as dangerous as some may say. It should be fed from the side, yes. As long as you are paying attention to the work, and sorta toss the limbs in you will have no problems. All the local asplundh crews here use them everyday. If they were really man killers asplundh wouldn't use them. Mine will chip 8-9 inch max diameter, but the big thing is the length of the material unlike a disk chipper. I can only remember stalling it once and that was a largest 20 foot maple limb, it was just a bit too long. C and D chippers require the material to be cut a bit shorter. If you look at it as a stepping stone its not bad. They are light to tow, cheap to run and fix, and simple. The downfalls, limited size/length or material, fixed chute. I say buy one, let it buy you a disk chipper in the future.