Hey Bob, I am curious how others bid and price jobs. I am curious how much you made on a 192 stump job. How deep did you grind? How long did it take? What grinder do you have? Did you have to deal with rocks? Were the trees cut low to the ground? I have never had a job that big but would love to. Thanks.
U really do not make as much on big jobs, my best money is on jobs 25 stumps and under..
On this job i made 2400 at 12.50 per stump, did job in 20 hrs so 120 per hr, i try to
get a min of 100 per hr, u won't get the big money down here like u do in other parts
of the country, lots of competition..
Most trees were low, had to cut down about 10-12 of the bigger ones, they were a mix
of pines and oak, mostly pine but 2-3 yrs old so they ground up pretty easy, if they had
been fresh cut pine i could not have done them as cheap, lots of dust but no rocks...
I am presently using a bandit 2150xp, love it so far, 160 hrs been thru one jacksaft belt
still on orig cutter belt,,,have about 100 teeth on hand for it, thinking about trying to
sharpen a set of teeth and see how they cut, don't know if it will be worth it or not, i have
had a vermeer sc252 and a shaver sc25 pto grinder on a kubota tractor, the bandit is
hands down better than either one of those, will take on any size stump, i can do a 40 inch
stump in at the most 1/2 hr if it is cut down low, if not that is what i have my 660 for....
i normally grind 6-8 inches down unless customer wants them deeper, hope this ans
some of your questions, i work for 4 diff tree services plus call ins and that keeps this
old man plenty busy...