Should other forums be mentioned?

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Gypo Logger

Timber Baron
Dec 8, 2001
Reaction score
Yukon Territory
Hi there, not trying to stir the pot, we'll let db do that,lol, but is it advantagious to validate another forum?
Well I say yes, the most successful people are the ones who help others. Diplomacy is the buzz word here, and we cant keep it all to ourselves. The mere mention of another doesnt necessarily mean endorsement. I can see why Darin needs to protect his sponcers, however the more exposure the better. This isnt about me or any person or forum, but rather all the different ways we might get ahead by looking at things with a different perspective.
Darin, as far as the ticket theory thing, all I can say is I have been let off many times by the police, because they had the wherewithall to access the situation and make a judgement call, ever when I was in the wrong. No offense or nothing, I just needed to vent.
Honey is Honey Sweet, However the Hiving.
The Chain saw Physcoligist
I'd tend to agree with you. Most of the foums I'm on, including this one, I heard about elsewhere. I make this my main saw site because it has the best people and info out there. As long as it says that way, I'm in no danger of leaving. (That's right, yer stuck with me :) )
while i understand the no position. i personally think not allowing mention of other forums ,might possibly have more negatives than make it worthwhile.jmho
I wrote the post (Leaky Posts) and here is my opinion and I stand by it.

Been informed that this forums moderators/gods like to pull posts that may refer to it's own members...Well I posted this at TimberTramps...Under the CREEPS thread.

Then Darin can repost-it I would think...Most of us have gone to great lengths to make thier site a success....And by the way Darin can Just go ahead and pull ALL my posts at Arborist while he is at it....OOOOPs did I mention another site on this forum....???? me anyway....have a nice day or am I allowed to say that....nuff said


You Boys can come off of your high-horse anytime...or go the way of the TOOLSHED

Hope to see all of you all at Clearwater but probably not here since I am sure to get banned for an opinion....Oh yeah and just so I stay on topic my Chainsaw is faster than yours.

Earth First, I'll log the other planets later
Hey Robert, I had a party tonight, invited one and all, but I was the only one that showed up! However, I'm in trouble, I stood up my beautiful landlady in favour of baha ing in the swamp and slicing level a few cedar stump. I guess my rent will be going up.
Anyway, back to the saws, I got me some self sharpening chain and I'll hit you with so many flurries, you'll think you're in a snow storm.
Its easy for you guys to say we should be able to mention other forum's, because it is not your wallet that will be hit if a sponsor bails.
That being said this IS the only forum I am a part of that prohibits mentioning other forums. I am on several sponsored car forums and we mention the others constantly. However they are Darins rules and I will respect them. We all agreed to that when we signed up for FREE use of this board
I totally agree Huskyman,, Darin has the best saw forum going and what Darin says must go or we wont have this wonderful forum .... Thanks Darin !!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for bringing a pot to stir!

Yes, it's Darin's house and he is within his rights to set the rules. Also, if we choose not to follow those rules there are
consequences. We either play by his rules or take our ball and go home. One of his rules is no cross referencing to other
discussion forums.

With the number of registered users I think that Darin is in the place of being one of the "Big Boys" on the block. I can't
understand the prohibition of cross referances. The internet can be looked at as a way of linking up a variety of people with
common interests. Linking users and vendors serves the industry and profession the best when there's a free flow of

When I got an email from someone at the ISA office about internet discussion forums I wrote back with a list of my favorites.
Beside each link I wrote about each of the forums. AS was sent in as a great site. I also linked to t.r.e.e.b.u.z.z and said that I
have an interest [To date, nothing financial on my part, Mark is funding the operation out of his own pocket]in the site. The
discussion at TB is different than on other sites. There are other forums too. Just like vitamins, its good to ingest a lot of little
bits to be complete.

Look what happens when you cross post on the Tool Shed. Then, notice the quality of the chainsaw discussion. The ISA
dropped the ball last year when their forums went down. The traffic at the ISA site is down but the quality is still there. The
former users seem to have lost interest in playing at the ISA house and took their balls to play at other places. Being able to
share leads on tree related knowledge is pretty difficult when an editor is around to decide what avenue should be opened.

I found out about this site by a spam blast across ALL of the other tree forums. Why do I call it spam? Because every post
came on the other forums at the same time and was a copy/paste. The poster said something to the effect that he had just
found a new, great site and just wanted to share the good news. Being a skeptical cynic, those spams sure seemed to be
written to seem like self-promotion by an alias or non-existant person. Or maybe by a friend with a nudge-nudge, wink, wink.

I frequent a few other forums too and a couple of them do the same thing, no posting links to competitive sites. On the other sites the owners of the boards look at it as a business first and foremost, it costs alot of money to keep a forum going that gets lots of traffic. On the boards that allow links to others they are mostly a free for all with no moderation and loads of crap to wade through if you want to find some good info. if there even is any:rolleyes:
I'm glad Darin did start this place it's easily one of the best forums I've seen, there is way more respect shown here. It's easy enough to find other forums without posting a link here, I don't see what the big deal is.
Yeah Yeah I know, Oh great, Josh has another thing to chime in with ...LOL.. :rolleyes:

I haven't been to any of the other sites yet, frankly I have no need to. All the info I need is either here or in a repair manual.
Darin has the every right to play Sheriff if he sees something that is deemed to be a threat to A.B. After all it is his town, if the rules and regulations that we all agreed to cannot be followed, you need to leave town. Nothing beats a "FREE" posting site of this caliber.
Hi there, being a sheriff and having rules is all fine and dandy, but most posters here are a result of someone being told about it.
This is the best saw forum going, so no one needs to feel threatened about the other forums. If we are confident that we are good about something, than all other competition just serves to make one look better. If we are afraid of loosing something, we didnt have it in the first place and never will. It has been my finding that life is evolutionary, not revolutionary, so lets let things come full circle by trying to attract as many here as possible. The door swings both ways.
Guys, (mainly Rotax Robert) I have never edited your opinions and won't start today.

My site is banned by sites cause people get on other sites and put it in. I remember, they were having some hoopla over some stuff on tool shed and someone kept putting in "lets go to" Obviously with the amount of stuff on this site, I have zero time to read others forums. If somebody wants to put my name in on other sites....fine. Cool with me.

I can understand if somebody wants to trade links for other forums, but not just blantant statements. I asked ISA once and they turned me down. So why would I want to post anything about their forum here? Nobody has every approached me about trading links. I would be ok with trading links.

It is somewhat amusing that many don't care about this rule when they don't run the check book. Also many rave how wonderful the site is and so many seem to want to find other sites to visit. So what I am getting at is, if you are all so loyal why are you looking to go elsewhere? The other reason is many of the other sites don't spend money to advertise, why should I basically sponsor their site? I spend money to bring in traffic to keep you guys amused and some scrub just leaches onto that? Doesn't seem right. If you could prove me wrong on this I will listen to you and go to the other side.

Take care boys,

Thanks to many of you with your nice words.
I'd like to throw my 2 cents in here.
cent #1: The 'NO cross-referencing other forums' rule has been in place since day one. When I joined, this site had only been up a couple months and had less than 100 registered members. Darin made that rule to keep ArboristSite from being just another link to bigger, busier sites.

cent#2: In about 1 1/2 years, this has become one of the best, busiest and most popular tree forums on the net. All of this occured because of good management and lots of good people maintaining respect for each other. The few 'troublemakers' were nipped in the bud, BEFORE problems occurred. Darin has played 'sherriff' quite well.
The cross-reference rule isn't broke. Don't fix it. I still don't see the need to allow posters to actively promote other forums on this forum.
Amen Brother Tree,
I feel keeping it clean as possible is a good thing. The reason I built this site was I spent extra money promoting it, when I didn't really have it and the other stuff I wrote in the last post. If you make a forum a free for all, it get to be nothing but ads and BS, I hate that. This way you keep it clean.
To Darin and all my fellow chainsaw friends.

We all know about the TSF debacle, And yes Darin I appreciate your website/forum and for the most part how it is run....Just to make it more clear where I stand and opinions are like a-holes (everybody has one) here is my side of the story.

I know references can be made to say Walkers or Greffards as they have spent a buck or two on your site. But say someone is looking for a part number and I answer via your forum and say you can get it at I have broke a rule??? There are many references to other sites throughout the history if this forum.

Next? what the heck is up with the links to ebay, Lumberjack associations, etc. etc... are they kicking in huge amounts of money, I think not.

And finally although you have a fine forum, You should remember that YOU did not bring this site to us (ie: CHAINSAWS) we brought it to you. As I remember you created the chainsaw part of this site due to great interest from fellow saw men and women looking for a better home.

That being said, I am sure you have a need to watch what crosses your forum but some consideration should be givin if reference is made to a site somewhere else as to wether or not it is using your site or not as a link.

Stihl though, I would step up to the saw log with you any time:)
Hey Doug get a life, Dennis is making big bucks keeping all the creeps at bay. We better not not raise Dennis's ire to much or he will have to forgo a weeks pay to have us thrown off the board. You have to stop stiring the pot or your gonna get us kicked off, and then where are we gonna go. There is no where else.