Shoulder injury?

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I dont have the patience to read this whole thread but I will say my right shoulder hurts lately. I have been taking astio biflex and I think has helped. I am going to doc on tuesday for a check up, mostly to have my cholesteral checked, but i am gonna bring up my shoulder and see what he says. See if he thinks I should see a specialist. My knees hurt. Went to orthopidec doc last year and he xrayed em and said my knee caps are wearing out. OOKKK. He said they not all that bad yet so I can only imagine how they will feel in a few more years. My lower back hurts like a beech to. I went to doc prolly 6 or 7 years ago for that. basically he asked me what i did for a living. I told him,and he just kinda looked at me with a "wtf did you expect" look on his face. His "treatment" was "you should just change jobs" something much less physical...thanks doc. My mission now is to lose weight. Thats the best thing I can do for my knees and back.
I have self diagnosed tennis/and golf elbow. It hurts ont he inside and the outside of my right elbow. I run the bucket a lot, and it hurts to pull and push the levers and extend my hand out to make a one handed cut. ( I dont wanna hear it) When I climb, no problems at all. I think it started when I was slinging an outrigger pad towards my front down rigger in December, which was right after our major snow event witht he leaves still on. I have a juicehead friend that says that bodybuilders use super cissus to take care of their tendons. Its a plant derived supplement fromt he cissus plant in africa. I have been on it for a week or so and see good results. It also has anaboic effects so it helps strengthen all muscles around your weak area. 75 day supply was 50 bucks at GNC. Combined with some time off in Febuary, and ice, my elbow should be better by next spring.
I had a crash in 1995 and crushed left scapula, broke both collar bones, dislocated right scapula! I climbed through pain most cannot fathom and if I hadn't, I dought seriously I still could now. Anyway; a real shoulder injury as extreme as in my case, you have to decide if pain is going to win or if you are imo. I'm sorry for your pain but I earned the right to say, suck it up, now drag that brush son and quitcha whining. :)
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Been busy for quite some time, but I'd thought I'd up date.

Had the knee injections in march and they still hurt for a couple of weeks, but then the continual pain went away. Big differance. Apparently the injections last up to six months. I'm much happier now.:msp_thumbsup:

Well the injections lasted a little over the 6 months predicted, then gradually the pain came back. I was too busy in the fall to go get another round, so i just put up with it.

Just got back from the specialist. Had both knees injected with Durolane again.

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