Small engine hour meter?

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Mar 15, 2010
Reaction score
Saugatuck, Michigan
Can anyone recommend a good one.

I have had two crap out due to rain, and now I don't want to be without one on each engine.
Thing is they are really nice for keeping track of hours, setting rpm during use, and even 'job time' setting for continuous projects, like a 20 cord truckload.
I've been using generic chinese hour/rpm meters I buy off aliexpress they run on batteries so far no defects. Not sure how accurate they are though :)

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Looked those up... Those are the ones I use. unbranded ones from china though. Cheaper but exact same ones.
I've been using generic chinese hour/rpm meters I buy off aliexpress they run on batteries so far no defects. Not sure how accurate they are though :)

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Same here, about $15 on Amazon. So far they've been ok, even in -30*
Don't forget. If its for a KOHLER, the tach needs to specific for KOHLER engines. They don't fire the spark plug on the exhaust stroke. So the tach won't be accurate.

Edit: that is only concerning k-series kohlers and your looking for a hour meter, not a tach.
Thinking of getting a tiny tach for my boat. Not sure just how accurate the boat tach I have really is. The thing about tiny tach is you can order one with a custom lenght wire. Standard wire is 6ft, probably need twice that length for a boat. tiny tach also has a job meter that can be reset so you can keep up with how long it took to do a job if your working by the hour
Cheap doesn't always = bad but cheap always reveals how bad we overpay domesticly

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My tiny tac didn't last all that long, I'm really disappointed in it!

It's on my sawmill, and the display because un-readable fairly soon after I put it on...
