So, any opinions on an ms192T vs. an ms200T

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i think power, speed and sharp chain add up to cleaner cuts. In smaller stuff you can get away with more cuz' you totally overpower the wood in that range. Also, as far as trickier cutting the power to employ a quicker, release for more throw away or to side etc. is good to have as an available option.
The old and the new

Back in 73 when I first got started, we used Montgomery Ward electric chain saws because they were tough and cheap.

Then we moved up to gas powered Homelites. There was a trim saw with dual triggers called a Super 2 that I fell in love with and used for as long as I could until they quit making them.

As I began specializing in removals, it was inevitable that I migrated to the Stihl 020 and have used them ever since.

However I often wish that Stihl or somebody would make a dual trigger, tear dropped shaped trim saw like the old Super 2, and incorporate all the power and modern performance and safety features of today's trim saws into it. I'd buy such a saw even if it cost twice as much money.

:bang: You are all complaining about price. You should live in Australia, 200t's sell for around $1400aud and the 192t is $600. I buy my 200t's on line from the states for $700aud new to my door, i have the latest model not even released here yet. When you compare the price on the 2 you WILL get 3-4 times longer out of a 200t over a 192t. And piss of the safety chain, if you need it you cant use a 200t. 8 years in the tree game and never been cut.
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climbingwomdat said:
8 years in the tree game and never been cut.

Crikey mate you are tempting now ... how about when filing the buggers sharp, that's when I have one of my worst cuts not watching what ya doing blabbing about the State of Origin and whoops.

I get my 200's from the States too, screw the $1450 tag here.
Sorry 2 nicks on my knuckle, but a glove sorted that out:rock: :rock: and safety chain wont stop that, only makes it harder to tip/plunge cut those cocos palms mate. GO THE BLUES
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rahtreelimbs said:
I had a discussion with Thall10326 about the 192 vs. 200t. One thing that Tom mentioned, which I don't think was brought up here, is how stout the 200t is from a "how well are they built" standpoint. Drop the 192 out of a tree and I think it may not survive, the 200t on the other hand prolly would!

I have to dissagree, dropped mine from 20 ft and landed the bar in the ground, cleaned it up and fired it right back up.
You can stop the debate now the winner is ms200t. 192t is for tight ***** and wannabees. If you a professional tree worker you use the best gear to make your job/life easer not something that will do for now. Yes the 192 cuts timber but the 200t does it better and with ease, why would stihl have both models if one wasen't better than the other, no it is so average Jo can think he is with the big boys with his 192t. SORRY SEE YA Why bother using an arborist harness when a rock climbing one is cheaper??????( I was being sarcastic)
sawinredneck said:
I have to dissagree, dropped mine from 20 ft and landed the bar in the ground, cleaned it up and fired it right back up.

rahtreelimbs said:
You were lucky........any higher maybe not so lucky???

sawinredneck said:
Cant say either way Rich, but............

You never can tell..........since the 200 is just a more robust built saw one would think it could take a hit better.

Although in most cases some parts will be replaced!!!
jefflovstrom said:
I don't work with landscapers, and if you ever work on a job like say "Cal-Edison Bark Beetle Removal Program and have to show professionalism, Well , you get it now. To have an inspector check your stuff. No home owner job that I can super up my saw by removing parts that are to be there.

I understand that removing a spark arrester could be a problem if you were working in an area where forest fires are a problem. We don't have that problem here.
So you are really saying that a safety inspector would be checking for something like that?
In your original post you said that it would burn up the saw, what'd you mean by that?
Ekka said:
I get my 200's from the States too, screw the $1450 tag here.

Where do you buy your saw from? I'm going to have to do the same, 200t here is $1400 US dollars!
Anybody got a line on a dealer on the East Coast who will ship to Bermuda?
200t junk

The 200T in the pic fell only 4 foot and just look at the damage!

Actually it was only 4 55mph.

The 200t is the best saw made period! I've had a couple 200T and a couple of 192s. The 192 never gets used. The 200T can flush cut stumps, and buck up big wood. The 192, well its good for pruning and making you wish that you were using a 200t .
200T,the one for me!

A local dealer dropped me off a new Husky climbing saw to try,on the first tree the spark plug cover (plastic) broke off.This saw is the same unit (plus a coulpe of changes) that we trialed in Germany in 2000.The one I tried then wouldn't stay tuned and due to the odd placement of the fuel and oil caps hard to fill.Also gripping the handle wasn't as comfortable as the 020 I used at the time.Unfortunatly that saw suffered an uncontrolled decent from a tall Spruce onto a car park.Whoops.

When I had a husky 335xp many a time did it near sail out the tree!

After 3 months mine wouldn't hold tune either, constantly buggerising around with the screws. Then I had the crank case seals done and it was much better, for a few weeks, then started it chit again.

At the shop they were then putting new rings in them to stop the problem, apparently that worked to. They had the Husky rep act convenor for many disgruntled customers, I traded in for a 200 and never looked back.

Like many I had gaffa tape holding that plastic plug cover on.
Junk saw

Yeah,the saw I used recently had some grippy soft plastic around the top handle but was pretty much the same as the Husky I "Cometted" into the carpark in Germany.I didn't know of anyone using them in Europe when I was there,I think they should stick to Vacume cleaners and dirt bikes.Did you know Husky also made rifles?Which go bang just like their climbing saws!!