So How was "Your" Day?

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I think I am going to :censored: :censored: beat some :censored: :censored: and then :censored: :censored: , just because I havn't :censored: :censored: in a while, it's been that good!!!
No, I don't feel better!!!!
Mostly spent bidding. I do 3 weeks of sales/education and then 1 week of trees. Average month here.
Got laid off last night:blob2: :blob2: I am actually glad.Now I can get unemployment and get some money coming in.
Pcoz88 said:
Got laid off last night:blob2: :blob2: I am actually glad.Now I can get unemployment and get some money coming in.

Me too last Friday....they decided to make some cost cutting measures in the org, and my position of three weeks was axed. I do not think they ever were that serious about employing me in the position I was hired, given I spent most of my time being a clerk or cleaning floors! What was annoying was the fact I turned off four promising job interviews here in Toronto to accept that job up north. Live and learn.
Well I thought it would be good after killing a yellow jackets nest that chased me out of a tree yesterday but I get to the next job and am settinng a pull rope in a tree. And what do I see? That again I have stumbled across more yellow jackets that I was walking over. That's 3 times in 2 weeks. Only got stung once. But after that great day, good weather, and an easy day.
Here ya go brother man

Life to me is family friends and 8X10's

I rigged the most difficult limb with a figure 8 and it still bombed an adjecent treetop. The biggest limb hung up on an adjecent tree and landed butt first just as planned.:clap:
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it started good......

Then spiraling downward 3 of 4 saws decided its time for a trip to the shop. Leaving me with my lil homelite to finish the jobs dee de dee to the rescue again(dat lil saw kicks butt)Hope i get good news from saw shop 2 morrow morn or its gonna be a great week...TY TY TY:cheers:
My day sucked, I should have stayed in bed. i still have no help, I lost a good job because i cannot get to jobs fast enough for people. I have to get a steroid shot into my facet joint (vertebre) and my grapple truck broke down at the dump, had to get it towed back into town to the shop. I wonder what the customers will say tomorrow when I cannot haul their wood.

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