Most farmers in my child hood days had times to do every thing. Many are wrong by todays standards. Today Hay is cut in mid June, we cut ours around mid July so the seeds would reseed the field during raking.
We didn't lay around in the winter whineing there was nothing to do or whineing it was to cold to be out side.
Put the tire chains on the pick up and drive into the woods and fall trees and limb them, Carry a bit of Kerosine and make a brush pile fire so we could change out our wet gloves and dry them.
We didn't have a snow plow for our tractor, they mostly sat from the first freezing in Nov to the non freezeing in April. Daddy would pour alcohol in the radiator to finish up the buzzing. started useing antifreeze about 1960.
When the snow got to deep for the pick up we drove to the woods and used a toboggan to manualy haul our axes and cross cut back along with the kerosine.
Today I shake my head over what they call cross country skis, skinny things.
Same in the summer once the crops were in the ground before haying time we were in the woods building our buzz saw piles once haying was finished before the grain harvest we were again in the woods building that buzz saw pile.
Wasn't any whineing I remember about it being to hot to do any work or there was nothing to do.
Sure was a treat in the summer after working in the woods all day to make a right turn and end at the lake for a after dark swim.
Most times how ever you had to be content to take a dip in the cattle tank. The bath tub was a round galvinzed affair you used in the winter by the pot belly stove in the laundary pantry room.