Mr. Nice Guy
The 455 for some reason is loathed just as much as the MS290. Both of those saws are great saws for what they are intended to do. Most people that buy and complain about them, are tryin' to use them waaaaayyyy beyond their limits. Or they are very inexperienced, and think that they are "boggin' down" when they are actually runnin' a super dull chain, or gettin' the bar pinched.
You will get a lot of good years out of that 455 if you keep a sharp chain on it, and don't expect it to perform miracles... nowthen...
..if you ever get your hands on a Husqvarna XP model or a Stihl Pro series saw... you will be hooked. The power to weight will greatly exceed what the little 455 is puttin' out.
Enjoy your saw!
You will get a lot of good years out of that 455 if you keep a sharp chain on it, and don't expect it to perform miracles... nowthen...
..if you ever get your hands on a Husqvarna XP model or a Stihl Pro series saw... you will be hooked. The power to weight will greatly exceed what the little 455 is puttin' out.
Enjoy your saw!