Someone that has no access to, or cannot be trusted with......... You can use a candle, a cigarette lighter, a paper match, a gas stove, an electric stove (get it red hot, then blow on it), a piece of burning paper, a birthday candle, a votive candle, a food-warmer candle, an oil lamp, a wooden match, a burning toothpick, a kerosene heater, a Zippo lighter, the cigar lighter in your car, the propane burner in your BBQ, the gas flame on your camp cook stove, the propane pilot light in your HW heater, you could toss it onto the glowing coals in your woodstove or fireplace or bonfire chiminea, or burn it off with a flaming cotton ball soaked with alcohol or kerosene or mineral spirits or paint thinner or naphtha or gasoline or acetone or lacquer thinner or MEK or diesel fuel or motor oil or wax