None of my customers has ever complained about burning dry elm after I deliver it. On the other hand, if they think that any soft maple I deliver is at all punky, they will squawk like chickens being chased by a fox.
Haven't had any complaints about elm (other than splitting it), just leave it standing dead until all the bark has fallen off, then cut and split, let it dry if needed. Got plenty of standing dead red elm in my family's woods. Usually would only get 6-12" dia, but 40-60' tall, get dutch elm and die. Most is standing dead with out any bark, just cut to the length you want, very little splitting to do either. Don't have a lot of maple but it's all sugar (hard) maple though. And more red/white oak, ironwood, and cherry than you could ever want. Plus locast, poplar, basswood too. There's some type of cedar that grows here too but it's in the very hard to reach areas of the property.