I post this message already under one other thread, but perhaps I start also own thread to post every now and then something about my chain saws & forest "hobby" here in Finland. 
New member to this site, best regards from Finland
I use to have one 011 (red one) begining of -90... bougt it from person who did not get it to run. I paid like $2 of it, I took it to parts, wash the parts, reassemble and got it back to work. It was my first own saw and I try to do some forest work with my dad. But even the saw was quite light it was hard work for 10 years old operator. Coffee mug was shaking on hands during the brake
finally chain sprocket fail and during those days it was so expensive we newer bought new one...
Many many years later I saw about similar but 010 for sale with price of like 30 euros. I bought it just for fun, wash it, refuel and it works perfectly. Even many of the original sticker are in place. Its already the newer model with grey covers, more plastic and ignition without braker. But it is not at all like 011... much less power, or atleast I remember so. But I have use this as a spare saw for fire wood cutting. Mainly I use Echo 351 WES. And rarely Stihl 024...
Now recently I found one 012 again with really low cost. This should be now real monster compared to 010 and 011 due bigger bore size
. Even original chain sprocket having one teeth more than little sisters... Ignition coil was dead... also these very same rubber antivibration mounts. I found new aftermarket coil from china for few euros. And one company from UK was selling rubbers and some other original parst with really good price. There was also one shop in Germany called saegenspezi who have some parts available for this model. I took spare set of rubbers and new bar and chains from them... But the 012 specifig chain sprocket with extra teeth is no longer available in any place... at least I have not found. Ok, current is still ok. I have not assembled the saw yet but will do it soon when just some time...
Now finally my question for you who have more experience of this saw model. What is the correct route for spark plug wire? From coil to under of the cylinder is is easy to figure out (groove in frame). Then there is small fixing clamp under the cylinder. But how it should then officially continue from bottom of cylinder, on right side of the cylinder and finally from top right to the sparkplug... or is the wire just freely inside the cover after the clamp under the cylinder and then just going around from right side to the spark plug? All my saws have had too short wire so I do not know the original route.... from begining of -90 I remember only that it was not so nice to saw with wet cloves
Sorry about all possible typos. Hope my "rally english" can be anyhow understood
Best Regards
New member to this site, best regards from Finland
I use to have one 011 (red one) begining of -90... bougt it from person who did not get it to run. I paid like $2 of it, I took it to parts, wash the parts, reassemble and got it back to work. It was my first own saw and I try to do some forest work with my dad. But even the saw was quite light it was hard work for 10 years old operator. Coffee mug was shaking on hands during the brake
Many many years later I saw about similar but 010 for sale with price of like 30 euros. I bought it just for fun, wash it, refuel and it works perfectly. Even many of the original sticker are in place. Its already the newer model with grey covers, more plastic and ignition without braker. But it is not at all like 011... much less power, or atleast I remember so. But I have use this as a spare saw for fire wood cutting. Mainly I use Echo 351 WES. And rarely Stihl 024...
Now recently I found one 012 again with really low cost. This should be now real monster compared to 010 and 011 due bigger bore size
Now finally my question for you who have more experience of this saw model. What is the correct route for spark plug wire? From coil to under of the cylinder is is easy to figure out (groove in frame). Then there is small fixing clamp under the cylinder. But how it should then officially continue from bottom of cylinder, on right side of the cylinder and finally from top right to the sparkplug... or is the wire just freely inside the cover after the clamp under the cylinder and then just going around from right side to the spark plug? All my saws have had too short wire so I do not know the original route.... from begining of -90 I remember only that it was not so nice to saw with wet cloves
Sorry about all possible typos. Hope my "rally english" can be anyhow understood
Best Regards