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I'm reading your mail

I know of a "dumpsite" like that. Crap firewood with a bogus bill.

They also get their mailbox run over on a regular basis

Someone, on this site, a number of years ago, posted a nationwide add on a WATTS line for free firewood. Paid or it with a money order so it was untraceable....

Not sure what a "WATTS" line is but I assume it to be a want add line. Good call, worth every penny, I think I would add "call between the hours of 10pm and 3 am."
In the city I am from, in Alberta the municipality owns trees that fall a certain distance back from the side walk on almost all the properties in the city. The distance back from the sidewalk varies from street to street. They are responsible for the pruning of the trees and if they are pruned or removed by others you can face a big fine (up to $10,000) plus replacement costs. They reserve ownsership of the land for when sidewalks or roads must be replaced they can rip up you yard and don't need to replace the landscaping with anything other than sod as they own the the land. Is this common in other places?
When I worked for the municpality I remember recieving a call where an older guy wanted to have a large tree removed from the front of his house. We told him we wouldn't remove a healthy tree. 2 months later I got a call about a dead tree at the same address. He had drilled holes in the base and dumped Glysophate in the holes. Though it was obvious what happened, because no one witnessed it. The tree was removed and he was asked to pay for half the replacement which is the standard here even if your tree died through no fault of your own.
Not sure what a "WATTS" line is but I assume it to be a want add line. Good call, worth every penny, I think I would add "call between the hours of 10pm and 3 am."

I guess I should have said the listed it with the problem client's 1-800 number (Wide Area Telephone Transfer Service, or sum'tin like that)

They reserve ownsership of the land for when sidewalks or roads must be replaced they can rip up you yard and don't need to replace the landscaping with anything other than sod as they own the the land. Is this common in other places?

In Milwaukee, the city actually owns something like 8 ft from the curb, more on some lots. My parents has this in the title description of their property.

In my area of Franklin, WI we own to the center of the roadway. That is out lotline. The County (we live on a county road) has a right of way something like 36 ft from the centerline. Just around the corner, on newer lots the county owns 15 feet out from the road edge, but does not have a ROW past that.

On some odd shaped lots, I have asked to see their title, since there is often a map with boundaries attached. One can go to the County Registrar of Deeds, or by a plat map if you work in certain area on a regular basis. Tract maps do not cost much.

If you dabble in consulting yo can sell it as a formal inventory of landscape.
In Vancouver, road right-of-ways are 66' or a multiple thereof. This was the standard survey measurement (66' = 1 chain = 100 links - 10 chains square = 1 acre). This is why many city lots are 33' wide. So the road width is immaterial, its 33' from centreline.

The city owns all trees in the boulevard. Depending on the municipality, either there are city crews that maintain the trees or they contract it out.
In Vancouver, road right-of-ways are 66' or a multiple thereof. This was the standard survey measurement (66' = 1 chain = 100 links - 10 chains square = 1 acre). This is why many city lots are 33' wide. So the road width is immaterial, its 33' from centreline.

The city owns all trees in the boulevard. Depending on the municipality, either there are city crews that maintain the trees or they contract it out.

That is true. So many people figure they own right up to the sidewalk, and the trees that are actually on the road allowance. I have cut down lots of them for Hydro, good riddance to those pos trees that will never put the power out now. It is kind of sickening however, sometimes when you do your job, the doogooders whine and Hydro suckholes to them.
OTG, no one in Boston has had to pay enough to make an impact?

Do the replacement trees ever get installed and grow?

Usually we never catch the culprits, no matter how obvious it is. Even if we find a witness they usually won't want to come foreward (this is a city of "nobody saw nothin')

Anyways the few times we've had people dead-to-rights, with witnesses and admissions of guilt, we get before the Magestrate and in their infinate wisdom they decide the fines are too much and replacement trees are a good compromise.:censored:
On some odd shaped lots, I have asked to see their title, since there is often a map with boundaries attached. One can go to the County Registrar of Deeds, or by a plat map if you work in certain area on a regular basis. Tract maps do not cost much.

You can look up plats online in most areas...
I worked one summer on the California side of Lake Tahoe. The homeowner had to get permission to remove any trees. The board guy would come out and mark the trunks and the root flare as close to the ground as possible on any tree that had been approved for removal. Healthy trees were very difficult to get approved. If you were removing a healthy tree with no dots painted on it, you had to know you were breaking the law. If the homeowner went so far as to paint the approval marks on a tree, what could you do? I never would have thought of a person faking that. Some lots are so crowded with huge trees that barely any sunlight gets to the ground. There are 3 houses and a garage within 50 feet of these stumps and everyone knows when you are removing something. I can't imgine she thought know one would notice.
I would only assume that the people that had the 3 trees cut down knew they wern't their trees to have removed. If proven that she contracted a company to have someone elses trees removed she should pay the price. I can't belive some people have the nerve to do such selfish thoughtless things. They act as if they are subhuman and better than the the majority of us. If she has the money and a lot of it make her pay. A little fine may not phase her, but hefty fine will hopefully make her think real hard the next time she thinks stupidly. If the tree company knew what this women was up to they should help pay. I have had people ask me to remove trees that wern't theirs in the past, but I allways refused.
In lake Forest IL they had an ordinance that if you could see the tree in the Skyline you had the HO had to get a permit from the city Arborist, no permit they would take away the guy with the chain Saw Fine $500.00. The Foreman would make sure the HO had the permit. It all started with Mr "T" when he had some 100 year old Oaks cut down, some Hack cut 6 or 8 Big Oaks down in one day, put them all down fast so no one could stop them. WHAT A MISS 87 I think. After that it got bad and then worse.
When I was with that Green and Yellow co.I had an HO and his Architect look over an Lot Clearing and go back to the office and turn the house on the plans ,not move any field flags come in on Monday and ask where two Oaks had gone .Then want $20,000 a piece it went to court the did not get anything. One can not be to careful with any HO!