Sounds like you're better off in a saw shop

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Just cut the piano!!
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
Beacon NY usa
I tried to delete the thread, I'm not allowed! When I tried to leave the dialog box empty I wasn't allowed. So I put in a "*" SUE ME!
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I tried to reply to a post but hit the wrong key and cannot kill the thread.....ANY MODERATOR, PLEASE KILL THIS THREAD!
That why I left the Navy

Couldn't use a saw on the carrier. Very unreasonable. The even replaced the wooden piers with concrete. What was that all about? I enjoyed watching the beams snap when we pulled in too fast.
well doggonit ,i can shed some light on the subject. u can but just be sure u get it right cause if u dont. the sucker liable to run rite ,an u wont have nothin to do.
jus do the other fellas said. i are a master mechanic so i know.:)
jus email me an ill tell u all about .
cause i are smart.
LOL. This might be a good time to bring up the Piano subject again...........