I love the Speed Line, it is very helpful-
Y'all are right when you say it will tear up the turf, I was on a job late last month and was high on a hill removing a 60" Northern Red Oak, large and dead- every branch was zipped down fast until we got to the trunk chunks- then they were cut into 24" - 48" pieces and sped down the line.
The line itself is a 1/2" hank of arbor plex 450' long- We stretch it to an anchor point then I anchor close by where I am removing a limb or several. The number one thing I have found to be most important is having the groundies control the tension- as the climber doesn't always have the "purchase" while in the tree to not only lift the rope line but also to tighten it enough.
The picture just above here shows all the "loopies" attached to a carabiner, to the saddle, I do it similarly except I have the groundies attach each carabiner to another in a "daisy chain" then they just clip them into a throw bag hangin' down, it seems to be less equipment they have to keep at hand. Another carabiner gets saved from the endless numbers left at a job! When I only have 4 loopies left on my saddle, I have them send up the rest, I never run out. But the key here is organization, as I have the groundies, return each loop to the throw bag each time, so there is always at least 1 loop on the line if I need it.
Great stuff - speedlines
I just wish that one of the people that have video'd me doing it would give me a ****** link to a video!