Yeah 17 sounds good, I'm 15 minutes from Binghamton, yeah so just over 2 hours.
Well we had a great time up at Walt's; everybody said let's do it again, so we're going to do another one down here at the store. We had such a blast last year, that we'll make this an annual event as long as the interest is there.
Date is Saturday, October 3rd. That's one week before the Columbus Day weekend. Having it on the holiday weekend last year turned out to be not such a good idea in that a few guys were off doing other things and couldn't make it. Format will be mostly the same. Husky will be there with the tent, a bunch of demo saws, and whatever else we can get them to give away.
We are going to go a little more low key on the food this year. Last year Big Eric brought enough food to feed the 82nd Airborne. It was just too much. I kind of like the model that we had at the CNY event. Everybody brought something along, and after we spent some time in the woods and worked up an appetite, we all went back to the campsite and cooked up a nice supper. (Again, Chainsawwisperer was the head chef and brought some really good stuff.) So, throw out some ideas on the food.
This is an all-brand GTG. Even though we are a Husky/Jonsered dealer, and Husky people will be there, you Stihl, Dolmar and whatever else guys are just as welcome. We had all brands present yesterday, along with lot's of old stuff. Not ONE brand insult all day! Any saw that ran and threw chips was a good saw. Same goes for anybody with saws that the snobs like to look down on such as 455's and 290's. Everybody's welcome except snobs.
If we get enough wood we may come up with a few different ideas, but the whole thing can evolve over the next month here in this thread. Thoughts and suggestions are welcome. (The only thing we are not really open to is some kind of racing thing. It gets too serious too quick, and I don't want to spend the afternoon with a clip board and a stop watch arguing over the rules, etc.)
I figure we'll build another Barney Bench or two for guys to sharpen or work on their saws, which can go home with someone. Perhaps we can come up with some bench projects for tinkerers that want to build a saw from junk parts; a little trouble shooting round table. Bring some project saw that you want to get running.
We also had a little swap meet yesterday that was fun. I came home with two saws, but I got rid of four to good homes, so I met my objective of coming home with fewer saws than I left with. So, saws or parts, bring whatever you have room for.
So guys, who's coming?
BTW, great job with the pics.
but some people did stay over and leave Sunday morning
I'd love to come, but that's 11 1/2 hours from here!![]()
I'm gonna try to make it.
But to soon to commit right now.
Will you have any big wood, say
24inch or bigger. I need to run some
Of the big boys i got. Just remembered,
Thats all i got.
I'll be there.
So that swap meet was fun. Got rid of some odd lengths of rope and took home that Jonsered box. Let's do some more swapping at this GTG.
Hoping Leeha will make it. I would like to see his old Jonsered saw.
Looks like a good group of guys will be there. Should be lots of fun!!
Let's keep this at the top, hopefully it will have a good turnout.
Hope that beowulf67 and that collection of Jonsered saws makes a return the the GTG this year. He had this great running TST 2171 and a 2095 that I sure liked.
Note to Weimedog: Those OEM Mac bars I had are only in the "10-10" mount, and won't fit those bigger Macs that you have. Do you have any of the smaller macs?