Here's my go at explaining...
I think what you saw was an end for end version of what I know as a 'Molly Hogan'. A good splice, if not the most secure.
Your rope is constructed of 7 strands. Split 3 from 4 so as to have two parts of almost equal size. [Hint: leave the core strand in the tail with 4 strands.] unwind [?] inches/feet. Go big here. The most wonderful thing about modern wire rope is that it is pre-formed... Meaning that you can unwind it and then rewind it back together again. So, what you'll have to do in this case is pair the 3 legged tail of one end with the 4 legged tail of the other and re wind them. Start from the middle of the unwound tail toward the end/ throat of the split. Repeat for the other pair of tails.
Try this a couple of times with 1/8" or 3/16" to get a feel.
To make an eye, unwind several turns and cross them back over each other, forming an overhand knot. Be sure you are twisting the correct direction. Re wind toward the throat. Finishing is up to the individual... I like the idea of re twisting the two tails together and using shrink tube... Sweet looking for stuff around the house etc...:yoyo:
Hope it helps.