Spurs again

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ArboristSite Operative
Dec 9, 2004
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The biggest city in Kentucky
My Klein's velcro pads are finished. Do I replace with steel shin support pads? Or, do I sell the Kleins to a friend and get a pair of Geckos? I keep the long gaffs on my Kleins, and the Geckos look similar.

Another friend had problems with the steel shin supports bending badly and ultimately starting to tear. He had this in two different sets of pads.

But man those Gecko pads look goooood. And so light.

the velcros are nice just make sure you get the steel in them weaver euc pads are good to , if the pain persists invest in wesco climbing boots, i heard the geckos have broken during use.

its a way of life !
jmack said:
the velcros are nice just make sure you get the steel in them weaver euc pads are good to , if the pain persists invest in wesco climbing boots, i heard the geckos have broken during use.

Sean said that the buckingham steel inserts won't work with the Klein leg irons. As far as boots, I prefer my light mountaineering boots since they work well for everything from removals to going the the grocery store.

It also sounds like they worked the bugs out of the Geckos, but the stories are still a bit unsettling.
Wait until Sherrills has the Carbon Fiber spurs. I have a friend just got back from Germany and he has a pair for me.
I'll post pictures when I get them. Very similar to the Geckos, just even lighter
Gecko's are choice, but some people don't like the position / angle of the gaffs.

Very light, pads are excellent

Try before you buy if possible

Carbon fiber... sounds awesome
I've climbed with Klein and Buckingham and both are good for me with the velcro pads. I recently ordered a pair of Geckos and thats what I'll climb with until they develop automatic climbing spikes :)
It did take a while to get used to the shift in how the spike itself is located. It is closer to the heel of the foot than the others. You can compare it to standing with your weight on your heel with the Geckos, standing more on your tip-toes with the others.
Also, at first I had the velcro strap too tight and they felt like a pair of leather pads. They pressed the top of my boot into my shin, very uncomfortable. I then wrapped the bottom strap around the shank to stabilize movement and just lightly press the foam pad against my leg before securing the velcro. Now its just right :)
Oh yeah, besides being the most comfortable for me, the weight difference is REALLY noticeable too!
i'd be hesitant about the carbon fiber gaff's. i know carbon fiber is super strong, i ice climb with carbon fiber tools. but with the abuse tree gaffs take i'd be afraid of the getting them knicked and chipped, that will only weaken them.

i think there super sweet looking and would love to get a pair. but i think i'll sit back a bit and wait for the reviews with the test of time
Jim1NZ said:
Gecko's are choice, but some people don't like the position / angle of the gaffs.
That's mel first tree I did with them was an elm; wood not THAT hard but still they wouldn't dig in right for me.
They'll take some gettin useta :rolleyes:
Gecko gaff / spike angle....

Try sharpening gaff / spike with a sharper point, standard they dont go so well, but dont take too much off!

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