TreeHouse Elder
I know what they use!

Originally posted by TREETX
Is this highschool. Who cares about popular?? Our game is about efficiency and safety. Save me time ($$) and energy ($$). I am all ears.
Originally posted by Nickrosis
If it wasn't a competitive technique, it wouldn't be used.
Originally posted by jamie
just chucking a few ideas round my head,
would using an ascender croll and pantin work, tree junkies pictures look really gear complex and slow to use,
i figured tie rope onto crotch, climb up and then work off a double rope system when in the canopy, using srt as an asscent method only (well to start with) figured this after watching my boss arse around thrusting up a ????? of a tree and it took him ages, it was beside a nasty fence and he was possitive that if he slipped and swung he would have dragged himself accross the spikes....
and after i abandon srt (attaching ascenders to the back of my harness) i can still use the pantin. on teh asscent taking the spliced eye up with a hitch on it
sound kosher?