Dad can give you more details about operating one... I think he's caving this weekend, so it may take him a day or two to reply.
Basically my thoughts on a truck mounted spade are these:
You need large trees to make it pratical. You need a market for those trees. You have upkeep, licensing, commercial inspections, all that fun stuff.
If you don't already have a nursery full of large trees it may make more sense to find someone to spade in large trees for you as a sub. If you do have large trees, it may still make more sense to get someone with a large spade to move those trees on a contract basis....
I know of a company in Indianapolis that has (I think) around four large truck mounted spades, and that is all they do is move trees. I have been told they charge around $300/hour to move trees, plus the cost of the trees. But that's what I have been TOLD, and the information may or may not have been reliable.
I think they try to run the trucks in pairs whenevery possible too. One digs the plug, the other drops the tree in the hole and off they go.
You may also need more/better insurance too, since you are effectively digging a much deeper hole. That alone may make it financially unfeasable. Ask Dad about finding gas lines with the Big John.
And these thoughts are coming from someong outside looking in at companies who use this type of equipment. I have never used one, so take my thoughts however you like.
PM me and I can get you the names and possibly the numbers of at least two companies in or around Indianapolis that have large spades. I don't know how much info they would be willing to share, but I can at least get you in touch with them....