Steel core suspension leader?

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ArboristSite Operative
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Stony Point NC
I very new to using a chainsaw in a tree, and I would like the added safety of steel core leader attached to the seat/suspension D's, if there would be any. Is there any reason that this would be unpractical or unreasonable?
Are you talking about a lanyard for the saw? Saw lanyards need to be the breakaway type in case the saw gets caught in the cut. You wouldn't want a couple hundred pound limb hanging from your saw and saddle.
I can't imagine he's talking about a steel core for his saw lanyard. I'm guessing he wants some steel holding his body to the tree in case his saw gets a little out of control?

Dave - If I'm right about what you're looking for, steel core lanyards are available from any tree equipment dealer. No reason not to use for your second tie in unless you're near electricity. And you shouldn't be anywhere near electricity. I've heard people talk about putting a wire on the end of their climb line, but I can't imagine any way that would be practical.

It should be noted you can still cut through a wire core, although it does take a bit more work and you'll probably feel it in the saw.

Be safe.
I very new to using a chainsaw in a tree, and I would like the added safety of steel core leader attached to the seat/suspension D's, if there would be any. Is there any reason that this would be unpractical or unreasonable?

Are you talking about re-enfocing the actual webbing on the saddle,or the end of your climb line?

On the latter ,it's not really practical to have steel on your climbing line as you would have to go steel on the whole thing including your split tail.

If I'm on the wrong track ,I'm sorry. Not really sure what you're asking.
Sounds like he is asking about a steel leader for his climbing line. Never heard of anyone using anything like that. As has been mentioned, Steel core fliplines are available at any arborist supply.
best advice I can give, learn to control your saw, steel core lanyards/flip lines can be cut in two with a saw, they are steel for the stiffness, not for cut resistant......

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