Thanks for the note. If you put epoxy over the nail, how'd you get the nail out?
Good question. I thought he was talking about leaving it in point first (cut it off short first) & then letting the oil flow around the small nail shaft.
Thanks for the note. If you put epoxy over the nail, how'd you get the nail out?
Expanding the thought a little, a short sheet metal screw with some epoxy on the threads would probably do a nice job too to seal it up. I didn't do it that way, but it would probably be a better fix.I don't have the saw anymore, so I can't do a picture. I cleaned out the area where the plug should be with brake cleaner so the epoxy would stick to the plastic. I stuck the nail in the oil port outlet under the clutch cover. I probably sprayed it with WD-40 so it wouldn't stick to the epoxy. I worked some JB-Weld into the plug area making sure not to put in enough to stop up the oil outlet for the chain. I left it overnight for the JB-Weld to set up and then pulled out the nail. I really only used the nail to make sure I didn't do something stupid to block the oil outlet. I was afraid the JB might flow down the tube before it set up.
Agree. There is no pressure behind the flow.It almost looks like a set screw. I would think a set screw that is a little smaller with some teflon tape on it will work.
Agree. There is no pressure behind the flow.
So is this little screw, or cap, no available from Stihl? I'm getting the idea that I won't be able to find the part. Thanks for all of the ideas folks!