Sorry to all to start the "heated" discussion about fuel flow. I hope we can all remain friends
I understand what the impulse is doing and how it is functioning inside the carburetor. Perhaps now better than I ever did before - which is a GREAT thing. It all is making sense to me now and I fully understand the carburetor and the miracle it creates. It is all pretty simple and straightforward science, really.
Sam - thanks so much for the glob of grease idea - it makes perfect sense, and is a free way to create the tool I don't have.
I like it better than the soapy water as it does not cause me problems if it gets sucked in rather than blown out, and I can do it anywhere - including the hole in the gasket between the carb and the intake boot. That is the logically first place to check, and if I have it there I have it everywhere else necessary and can test open passage from there into the carb, which is the last step it is needed.
I will be doing that tonight if I get a chance. Let me do that to see what I get so I know if I need to double back or if we are moving forward given what we know. I will report back as soon as I get a chance to get back in my shop and do some playing.
Aaaand - since I just opened the emoji file... I have to use this one simply because I can: