Fir Man
I've used Tecomec and Meteor cylinders both but never again. You can get more power and better quality with OEM
I've used Tecomec and Meteor cylinders both but never again. You can get more power and better quality with OEM
There were three issues with the one Tecomec cyl. kit I used, for an 036. It looked like something had gone wrong inside the combustion chamber. There was a gouge where something had collided? in there. The ports were identical shape as the 034 ports unlike 036 ports. Then when I installed the cylinder the mounting bosses for the 4 screws were not machined flat, so the screw heads were forced sideways, bent.
Unfortunately, yes. The lining can be worn through from use, usually on the intake side due to dust.Question is, can a cylinder be shot but piston look ok at exhaust port? Seller doesn't want to investigate, as is only.
Did you contact the seller and ask for a replacement or ?? The Tecomec line is some of the best stuff going, maybe you had one bad item that slipped by the QA. At one point Meteor and Tecomec were done by the same engineer and then the split to form the two companies.... something about personal differences. Both highly respected for quality work and dependable products. Your issue is not the norm from what I've seen from either of those two company's... why I asked what did you do about it.
Put a plug in the decomp hole.
Unfortunately, yes. The lining can be worn through from use, usually on the intake side due to dust.
None of those issues were serious enough for me to worry about, but I DON'T consider the aftermarket cylinders to be at the quality level of OEM.
The 036 non-pro is my favorite 60 cc saw. You don't have to mod the cover unless you want a comp. release. But that isn't needed.