Stihl 039 Build

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I just now found the thread keep the pics coming! Does it take any sealant around outside of the seals when they go back in

My dealer buddy doesn't use any sealant, just mix oil during install of seals. red RTV or Dirko on the affected metal parts.

Pretty sure the fins got broken during shipping. Probably dropped the box onto something hard. Metal where fins broke off was fresh looking.

Since there are others interested in learning how to build, or at least pick up a few pointers, I'll keep posting pictures of the progress. Thanks for the suggestions regarding using grease during reassembly. Makes sense.

Waiting until the rings come in before I can start putting it back together. Will post pics once I get started. Glad to see a few people are looking at what I'm putting up. The pics etc... aren't for my benefit, I've already torn down and built a few saws up. I'm just doing my part to "give back" some of what I've learned from some very talented folks on this site.
Another trick I have learned is to take a piece of rope (small). Wrap it around the intake boot and it collapes on the sides. Pull the rope through the hole in the handle. This will make it a heck of alot easier to install the boot through the handle. If I get time tonight, I'll post up some pictures of doing this. If not you need 3 tiny fingers to get back there.
I feel ya. Ive done some threads and got lillte intrest. It was frustrating to spend all that time taking pics and putting the thread together for a few to see. Keep up the posts Im watching and Im sure there are others watching that wont admit to liking 1127s. :laugh:

Yeah, I like the 1127 rebuild threads. It was one of the first I rebuilt WAY BEFORE I even found this site. I like the pictures and the detail as well. The flywheel must have been body-slammed by the postman -- jeepers it looked ruff! Otherwise the cylinder will clean up well, very light scoring. Watch the circlips on the Golf piston. Make sure they have plenty of spring resistance when you fit them into the wrist pin grooves. The choice for Caber rings was good. Keep the info coming!
Yep I feel ya. Not much love for the clamshells. I did a thread on porting a MS390 that took a turn toward the off topic.......kept it alive though. :laugh:

I've never seen a saw respond to mods any better than the 1127 series. I've got a 029 that I'm looking for a 390 top end for. :rock:

I can't speak for everybody but I try to wait until the build is finished to ask questions and make comments, that keeps all the info together for people searching for answers. Its nice to have it all together instead of mixed through multiple pages of "clamshells are junk". You guys keep posting and we wil keep reading your efforts are not going unnoticed!:msp_smile:
I couldn't locate any 039/49mm Meteor pistons anywhere, or I'd have gone that route instead. No Epsians either. Golf was it, Mako, or some no-brand stuff from Ebay.

Haven't looked for those myself, so they may not be available? I was referring to Meteors I've used in other applications.

'Course there's the new A/M 039 top end from Bailey's that's supposed to be available in March along with their complete 039 engine as an A/M alternative as well. I may try one of the top ends when they become available and understand there is the no-name one on eBay already.

Gotta make some progress on a coupla 036's sitting on the bench before I get TOO carried away with this 1127 stuff, tho!

Finished 028 build. Lost all build pics when camera ended up AWOL. Still haven't found it. This is the finished saw. It's like new in all ways except for paint. Not bad for a 1974 saw. Changed out points flywheel and ignition for later model electronic set up. New lines, filters, clutch springs, dog, new oil / fuel caps and plug. Rebuilt Tillotson carb and replaced AV parts with new OEM. Won't be doing that dealer AV parts order again ($$$). Used Chevy orange high temp paint on some really old and faded out plastic I had laying around for this saw. Also added cool bicycle handlebar foam to handle for extra AV and grip. Do this on all my 028's. Makes them handle so much better.



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A new saw arrived at dealer's shop while waiting for parts order to come in. I got a "new" burnt 029 Super. Cylinder and piston scored from raw gas per dealer. Going to build this with spare 039 cylinder I have. Sorry guys. Next 039 project on-deck.
Still waiting on Caber rings and oil line before reassembly can take place. Going wild pig hunting this week. Re-build will have to start after Monday when I return.


Handle piece broken off, oh well.

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A new saw arrived at dealer's shop while waiting for parts order to come in. I got a "new" burnt 029 Super. Cylinder and piston scored from raw gas per dealer. Going to build this with spare 039 cylinder I have. Sorry guys. Next 039 project on-deck.
Still waiting on Caber rings and oil line before reassembly can take place. Going wild pig hunting this week. Re-build will have to start after Monday when I return.


Handle piece broken off, oh well.


I wanted to say "Earnest T Bass, dog-gone-ya!" But the 029 Super is a great find, a prince among the clamshells is he! Great find, and a shame about the "foot pad" being missing. It is common to find these saws with a crack here. Congrats!
Keep the pics and info coming... Im paying attention... My 029 laid down on me a couple weeks ago, have not torn it down yet to see what the issue is... It started making an awful noise and died... Didnt even try to start it back up for fear of hurting it worse... Im planning on doing a Baileys 039 top end job on it... So your thread is greatly anticipated..
Got back late last night from successful pig hunt over the weekend. 180'ish boar, 2" tusks. Meat at butcher. Ran 039 this morning and took it to buddy's shop for tach tuning. Oils great w/ 20" bar (050/ 3/8 chain). Compression lower than expected at 125lbs. Hopefully it'll come up after a few tanks as dealer buddy expects. I'm working tonight, so maybe after work I'll get a few finished pics up. New 029 Super to 039 conversion will be in the works shortly.

Thanks for suggesting the "string" tip when installing intake manifold/intermediary flange through plastic handle. Worked like a charm. Would have been very difficult to do by hand.
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Nope. I have an OEM cylinder I picked up on Ebay months ago. I was going to use it on first 039 build, but couldn't find a reasonably priced 029/290. Instead, I located a burned up 039 on Craigslist and acid cleaned it's cylinder. That was saw in this thread. I recently scored a 029 Super and am going to use the original 390 cylinder on that upcoming build. Need source for Meteor piston though. Anyone? Meteor 039/390 49mm piston?

Pics of the finished 039.


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