As some of you have seen in the "you suck" thread I bought a beat-to-crap 048 last Friday evening. By noon Saturday the carb was in the saw shop being cleaned and the saw was moderately disassembled on my bench. Early Disclaimer: Pictures until re-assembly are being withheld due to forgetfulness and shame over buying something with the hack-job CRAP that was done to it. I've ordered a boatload of misc small parts it needs and a crankcase from ebay so for now I am patiently waiting for the postal service to deliver them. In the meantime, yesterday I went in to a chiropractor for neck pains and popping and was told I have scoliosis. As part of the treatment I now have restrictions on neck movement and leaning over/hunching over work for an indefinite amount of time. Due to all that, this might be a slow build. Anyways, back to the saw, I checked the compression on it and it is approx. 120lbs dry. No oil or mix was involved, which, looking back on it, was a stupid thing to do. Is that # good, bad, or just usable?