Stihl 070

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Hey Ryan- according to all the worldwide websites for Stihl there is no more 090. I know there are still several new units left at saw shops in Canada and some dealers in Europe still have them too.
JJ, If you know that for sure could you share it with the group. I would be very interested in tring to pick up a new 090. Got any more info on a specific Canadan shop that may have one?

<p>Hi Sapwood<p/>
<p>Your best bet would probably to be to contact either Gypologger or Dennis Greffard via this forum. Dennis owns a saw shop and has a lot of contacts and Gypo was importing new 090s as of early last year, but his source may have dried up. The one shop that i do know had a new 090 as of christmas time was Timberland Supply in B.C., their e-mail: [email protected] <p/>
Jacob, Thanks. Sent him an email today...will let you know if I hear anything back. Gypo's already been on this thread and didn't offer to sell his. I am already the proud owner of a lambertized 088...not sure that it improved the saw's performance though........
Hi Steve, I dont think the 070 was a big seller in Canada, but I hear they still make it. The 090 became unavailable last year in Canada and in 1983 in the U.S. To get one from Brazil or Germany may cost 3000 U.S. Maybe I should go to brazil and buy all the basket cases there, or just sell them tuned 357's which would cut more wood anyway.
Hey...I know the Ortons well...they do have a couple of 090's, but they are in their collection of saws that aren't for sale....I was there today. There is another collection of them included with Dave Challengers chainsaw museum....but that could be about 130k....fantastic collection...This part of the country has been scavenged for 090's by Gypo himself....I did find a brand new one in a box that was 11 years old...then Gypo stole it from me...gave me a case of beer for it...I thought I was getting a good deal....
Available models South America.

Hi from Surinam!
Just couldn't resist to reply on this topic.
Stihl models that are still NEW available in South America are:
1)Stihl 08S (made in Brazil)
2)Stihl 051 (made in Brazil)
3)Stihl 076 (made in Brazil)
4)Stihl 070.
Check out these sites:

The Stihl 070 and 090AV are also available in Africa and Australia:
Welcome to the forum!

Walaba, great to see posters with a somewhat different background. Hope you hang around.

Fred Orton Emailed 090's just 088's. I checked that Lawnmowerclinic link (Africa) and the 070 shown there has a newer looking body style than the one on ebay. Stihl must of updated it for these markets. It is listed as a HD homeowner/farmer saw. There was 090 listed on another of the links but I only read english (and some canadian).

Sap, Canadian can be difficult to read and intrupret as the language is directly related to alchool consumption!!!:p
Surinam, wow. It's good to see members from all over the place.

The photo listed for the 070 on the African site is that of an 088.
Hi you guys,
Check out this site in Peru:
Definitely a Stihl 070 there, no doubt about it!
This site also states the origin of the saws:
1)Stihl 070 (made in Germany)
2)Stihl 076 (made in Brazil)
3)Stihl 066 (made in Germany)
4)Stihl 051 (made in Brazil).

Check out this picture of the dealer in Gabon (Africa), definitely some 070's at the right!
Well the ebay 070 went for $ bar or chain included. Thanks to Walaba for the informative time I'm in Peru I'll check on pricing. Now if we could just hear from our Russian counterparts we could get Gypo to log his way across the Bering Straights and pick up a few for resale. Whats the exchange rate of rubles to cdn$....should be about 2:1 anyway.


yeah, I saw that thread when it came out...strange looking saws. I guess it would be asking too much for a Russian to use a German chainsaw.

Bill, Looks like they could put wheels on the thing and you could drive it in to the woods...they could sell it as an accesory!

Tractor tires & chains? Sounds like, from their description of the engineering of the saw, that would be the only way it would make it to the tree.
Heated cab, huh? I guess just run the exhaust in there & that'd do it.
Accessories...that's where the money is.

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