The stool maker
The saw is cleaned up, fluids drained, and ready to go.
So what you are saying is you need my address.
The saw is cleaned up, fluids drained, and ready to go.
Here it is. I didn't think the 1/2" chain was cutting like it should. I haven't checked it out yet, but perhpas the rakers just need lowered a little. Also, that 7-pin rim is HUGE. I think it's bigger than a 3/8 9-pin. Teddy, do you know if a 6-pin is made? The .404 chisel chain and a 8-pin rim would likely way outperform this setup. But it's VERY cool to have the option. Besides, 1/2" is what came on the saw new. The important part....she runs perfectly!
Here it is. I didn't think the 1/2" chain was cutting like it should. I haven't checked it out yet, but perhpas the rakers just need lowered a little. Also, that 7-pin rim is HUGE. I think it's bigger than a 3/8 9-pin. Teddy, do you know if a 6-pin is made? The .404 chisel chain and a 8-pin rim would likely way outperform this setup. But it's VERY cool to have the option. Besides, 1/2" is what came on the saw new. The important part....she runs perfectly!
So i took advantage of the little one being in the highchair eating her breakfast this morning and tallied the payments i have received this week.
I am happy to say we have officially hit the $2000 mark!!!!
Now that the saw is done and we have a great vid up, I am fully expecting my "electronic payment method" to blow up this week!!!!! If you need to snail mail me a payment, please PM me for my address and it needs to be in the mail monday or tuesday (just in case they are slow with delivery)
bump for the stump
Brad these should be at your door.
Here is the list I have so far of donations received (as of 2/08 at 12:00pm EST), please check that you are on this list if you have sent in a donation.
The drawing will be Feb. 11, so don't miss out! I will post again friday evening with any additional donations I receive.
If you made multiple donations, your name will appear multiple times:
If you did not give me your AS name then I am listing your real name here.
Hank Chinaski - $20
Specter 29 - $100
Uncle Rico - $60
StihlyinEly - $10
Nitroman Two - $20
ptjeep - $30
Anthony_VA - $10
Justtools - $20
54stude - $20
Dave DuHaime - $10
J.P. Mueller - $50
andydodgegeek - $50
bigbadbob - $20
Adam Forsythe - $10
wilsonishere - $30
CWME - $20
Dean Coates - $10
big cat - $50
2stroked2smoke - $100
Beer Gut - $20
ATVGUNS - $100
Tony Mammarelli - $10
Grommet - $10
Barneyrb - $100
Tony Mammarelli - $10
Bedford - $50
jc3116 - $10
wheelman - $40
Stephen Krizek - $20
formersawrep - $20
Big L - $20
Barthaigh - $100
Brian 13 - $20
tbone 75 - $50
Showme - $10
wolfcsm - $100
Stihl Pioneer - $20
Jim Schneider - $10
naturelover - $50
Heroze - $20
Barneyrb - $100
young - $10
jra1100 - $20
Dragan N. - $20
cpr - $20
StihlyinEly - $30
Stilasaurus - $30
woodboss83 - $30
jockeydeuce - $50
Rudedog - $200
uncurtis - $10
scooterbum - $20
dboyd351 - $20
tallguy - $50
7 oaks - $100
Rupedoggy - $10
Grandpatractor - $20
TXCowboy - $20
RES - $10
jra1100 - $20
Needs a bar cover side dawg!
Snap a pic of the other one and I know a guy who has one.
Looks and sounds great!
Except that missing dawg!
I agree entirely! Those are giant spikes, much larger than those on mine.
Brad these should be at your door.
They aren't...................they're on my counterThanks!
Surely that spiked bumper is the wrong one? Or are you going with a pair of smaller felling dogs now?
Bryce has the big ones to match the one you already have listed on ebay.