Stihl 270

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Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
Those who use a saw so little as to still own the same bar 10 years later will be more than happy with an 029, and that is exactly the market that Stihl is aiming for with that model. So therefore, for every homeowner waltzing in here asking "what's the best saw I can buy to cut my 3 wheelbarrowfulls of wood per year?", we can steer him towards Stihl's best selling model and he will be happy.

Once again you`ve made a point that I can`t argue, Brian. I guess in the long run it doesn`t make the 029 a bad saw, just not as good, and as long as the prospective purchaser knows this, then all is fair.

Stihl could sell a rubber dog turd labeled as a saw and Stihltech and Jiml would sings its praises.
These two probaly also wear orange and white undies with the Stihl logo on the butt.
I do not use the the bar very much any more because it is a 16 inch and I have a 20 inch on it now and it is the second or the third one of those and it takes alot more then that to offend me.

Your right I do not earn my living with it but it has earned me alot of extra spending money over the years. I have cut about a 60,000 board feet and about 15 cords of fire wood this year with it which may not be much to some but it earned me a nice extra check or two with the oak price being the way it is. So rip me if you want .
Jokers, maybe the point is that the 290/029 does what it's supposed to do in the market it was designed to hit - firewooders, demo men, farmers. Stihl is obviously happy selling a million of these units and less of their "top end". That's where the big profit lies, after all.

Where the 270/280 come in, I guess time will tell.
In some cases we can say the 029 is as inferior woodswise as the 30-30 is inferior ballisticaly wise. Both are clubs for sure, but the 30-30 shot more hooved amimals than any other calibre.
So we must let the chips fall where they may, much like the Cleaning Wench had to do when I tried to reserect her 029 rock club.
It is funny you say McCullouchs then Poulans because that is how I started. My dad had a 610 then a yellow Poulan pro of some sort that I put out of its misery against a concrete watering trough and I took the peices to the local farm equipment dealer where he gave me 30 dollars for it and said a 029 was what I needed. At the time the only thing I used a saw for was cleaning out fence rows. So maybe some day I will catch up to the rest of the world.
Pontius a 610 and a Poulan Pro are not all that old, so if your dad had these it's my bet you're a young buck. Not that's bad but reading your post gave me that impression. If you are happy with an 029 then more power to you.
I seen a bumper sticker the other day up on 322 that said "Penn State forever"...Ha ha ha.
Also, did you get my Treoges PM?

To everybody else,
I fell in love with my 028 & 044...that is after Dozerdan PP'ed them...Rick/Saw ****
uknow this post made me think of
that big tree outfit ,,that i cant spell. i had occasion to watch their fellas work not long thing took me by surprise.. every saw[stihls] they pulled out had orange handles..guess they just figured the men were gonna tearum up anyway ,,so mite as well stay with the cheapest stihl they could get. its a nationwide company so i expect they got a contract with a stihl distributor or something..yall may know the companyies name.. i cant even remember it rite now .. much less spell it..asplunda
or something like that. dang im proud it finally come to me.:)
Buckwheat, I also bleed blue and gray, Penn State Pride, We are........ PENN STATE!!!! Got to love old Happy Valley.
Originally posted by SasquatchMan
Jokers, maybe the point is that the 290/029 does what it's supposed to do in the market it was designed to hit - firewooders, demo men, farmers.

Around here farmers do not use a 029. The use 044-066 saws. It amazing how Stihl has played with their "Farm Boss" name. It has been a 041, then 038 now a 029. They should have stopped at the 038.

I went with the 025 w/ 16" bar and RS chain. After the Warranty is up I'll open the Muffler and readjust the Carb. your I think the saw will be a great firewood saw for 5-6 cords a year.

Thank-you to everyone who responded, it was a great help.
u probably fine.. take care o it itll probably ake care o u.. even with the no adjust carb..stiltech if those carbs work allrite ,,. good for the fella thats gottit.
most fellas here just dont under standum ,and are use to being able to adjust they saws occasionally..i guess most here are young enuff they will have to adapt.. i wont so mabe there is something positive about gettin old..
not.. except of course the alternative ,of not gettin older..:D :) if u get my drift..
Hey Bill, you're absolutely right. Pretty soon there'll be an electric "Farm Boss". I think Stihl did it purely to catch the market which the Husky 55 "Rancher" (and what a cool name THAT is) has held since the dinosaurs roamed. Stihl did a very slick job of continueing the Farm Boss name on a lesser tool, and got the market just right - the 029 being just a tad more powerful than the 55 etc. Just right for the weekend chainsaw crowd.

HappyJack - good luck. Keep that RS chain sharp and it'll cut like, well, like something real neat!

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