Stihl 310 and 361 questions....

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I am NOT a tree freak.
. AS Supporting Member.
Oct 22, 2005
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MI I have a 310, and was piddleing around on the web and saw that the 361 is also 59cc, but has .4 more ponies. Where did they get the extra power? Is it in the Muffler, or the intake? I see the 390, while it is a 64cc motor, makes 4.3 horses, but will pull up to a 28" B&C. I do understand that there is more tourqe in the 390 as compared to the 310, but theroeticly couldnt the 310 pull a 24" B&C with a skip chain if I can get the power number close to that of the 390?
In response to the question about where the extra HP comes from, I think that it is attributable to the 361 being an entirely different engine design. Everything is different - porting, intake, exhaust, powerband, etc.

As for the prospect of running 24" full skip on a 310, I think that the general agreement on this board is that 24" is a bit much for the 390, and by extension will be too much for the 310. Another fellow on this board tried to run a 28" on a 390 and was really disappointed. Could it be done, physically? Sure, you could run anything that properly mounts up on the saw. And full skip chain would surely help in that quest, if a 24" bar was your goal. But I think that the 310 is at its best with an 18" or 20" bar for all but the occasional big cut.
computeruser said:
In response to the question about where the extra HP comes from, I think that it is attributable to the 361 being an entirely different engine design. Everything is different - porting, intake, exhaust, powerband, etc.

As for the prospect of running 24" full skip on a 310, I think that the general agreement on this board is that 24" is a bit much for the 390, and by extension will be too much for the 310. Another fellow on this board tried to run a 28" on a 390 and was really disappointed. Could it be done, physically? Sure, you could run anything that properly mounts up on the saw. And full skip chain would surely help in that quest, if a 24" bar was your goal. But I think that the 310 is at its best with an 18" or 20" bar for all but the occasional big cut.

I agree. 20" is as long as you want on a 310. When I bought my 310 (replacement for a clapped out JohnyRed 625) the dealer tried to push it with a 24". I insisted on a 20" and glad I did. With nose buried that is all the saw wants to take.

Harry K
computeruser is right about the design of the 361 being a completely new design. It's just more efficient. You get more power with the same displacement...and less weight.

As far as what Stihl recommends, I try to make sense of those sometimes. I don't know where they get 28" for a 390. If a 390 with 4.3 hp can pull a 28", why can't a 361 with 4.4 hp, also being a better saw? Those are guidelines at best. You're in Michigan, so your 310 will be happiest with a shorter bar in your hard wood. I've owned a 310, and I did run a 24" and full skip on it, and it ran just fine for firewood use. I didn't run it in timber, and I wouldn't, but for firewood, it worked fine. But that's in the soft woods we have out here, and not usually buried.

I have a ms310 that I often run with a 25" bar. I have done the muffler mods and such. It does not cut at all well fully in a log. I use it for carving and roughing out logs to go on a 24" swing lathe I have, So the long bar is more handy than not, at least for me were being acurate is more important than being fast.
At one time Stihl advertised the older 036 with a 20" bar being the max, the 029 same 20" and the 039 with a 24" bar max. Then in one year all that changed! They started advertising the 036 with a 28" bar max. You got me why they did this. The older bar listing reflected the performance capabilities mcuh better!
I have a ms 290 and a 036 pro the 290 is no match for the 036 pro. I will probably end up selling the 290 and buying a new 361. I had a ms 290 when I first started out and now since having pro saws it is slower and heavier then I remember. I see alot of told ya so coming. I would go with the 361 having run that saw before it will be worth the extra money.
Ok, thanks all, I did not realize the 361 had a different engine design. I got an 18" bar with full chisel chain and so far the 310 seems like it doesnt want to take a bite in some 12-15" red oak. Im hoping that its just because it isnt broken in yet.
The biggest difference, between the 310, and 361, is that the 310, is a higher end consumer saw, the 361, is a pro unit, and VERY different. while the specs are similar, they're two TOTALLY different machines from what I can tell. the only really similar things, are the bar mounts, the engine specs, adn the fact that they're stihls.
fishhuntcutwood said:
As far as what Stihl recommends, I try to make sense of those sometimes. I don't know where they get 28" for a 390. If a 390 with 4.3 hp can pull a 28", why can't a 361 with 4.4 hp, also being a better saw? Those are guidelines at best.

Jeff, I bet how they come up with that is because the 361 is a "pro" saw and the 290/310/390 are "semi-pro" or whatever they're considered, they spec no more than a 20" bar on the 361 because they know a "pro" would not be happy with any longer of a bar on that saw, they're going to be more demanding. 20" really is a good maximum for that unless you're running skip chain in softwood like you are. A lot of homeowner types would probably not know the difference when trying to use a 390 with a 28" bar....
DanManofStihl said:
I have a ms 290 and a 036 pro the 290 is no match for the 036 pro. I will probably end up selling the 290 and buying a new 361. I had a ms 290 when I first started out and now since having pro saws it is slower and heavier then I remember. I see alot of told ya so coming. I would go with the 361 having run that saw before it will be worth the extra money.

Not from me, you`ve suffered enough and learned your lesson. ;)
ITs on ebay I messed up when i got that saw I should have just gone for the ms 361. After 20 minutes I just shut it off and put it back on the truck. We don't have that much wood coming in the season any way so I figure I will get a nice 361 and sell my 036 290 and my redmax. That will leave me with the 066 ms 440 and the ms 361.
I've never run a 290 other than no-load in the store and never even fired up a 310 or 390, but I did spend a good while over the weekend cutting up a blown over live oak w/ my new 361 and I'm glad I waited, supplemented my budget and bought it.

FHCW, SawTroll, WestTexas and several others' posts kept my sights on the 361 vs the others.

Cut a LOT this weekend, for me, of 8"-12" blocks and a good number in the 14"-16" range, along w/ a good bit if small stuff and limbing. The 361 w/ 18" bar and RS chain was not overkill in any sense and I'd probably be back at the dealer today had I bought less saw.

It did make me think 'for $120 more and another pound...what if I'd bought a 440mag?'

Thats why I have the best of both worlds the ms 440 and soon the ms 361. I really like the performance of the ms 440. I think it has good power to weight. I will have to wait and see how they do side by side.

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