Well, I put some time on my saw over the weekend on Saturday. It should be pretty well broke in now. My parents had an Ash tree dropped, since it was dying, due to the Ash Borer Beetle. To save them money, they just had the tree service drop the tree, chip the brush and put the trunk on the ground. The smallest part of the trunk was 36" and going to past 44". My first couple of cuts in the trunk, I ran a tank of gas on each cut. I had the saw running pig rich for the break in. After that, I leaned it out by like a 1/16th of a turn on each jet and I was getting 2 cookies cut to a tank. I could definitely tell that it was breaking in and gaining power. It was definitely having no problems pulling the 20" 3/8 chisel chain through that big ash tree, doing the full bar. Never had a problem with oiling either. I am very pleased with the upgrade I did to my saw. I figure that each cookie that I was cutting off the trunk was probably pushing 120+ lbs. The cookies were each about 6" thick. I probably put 6 or 7 tanks of gas through the saw.