Stihl chain on Oregon SpeedCut bar

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Enthusiast (all saws}
AS Supporting Member
Jan 4, 2016
Reaction score
Duluth, MN
I just picked up an Oregon SpeedCut bar and chain combo for my Jred 49SP. That “narrow kerf” system cut well, but I’m disappointed with how quickly and how much the 95TXL chain stretched. I’m not sure if Stihl makes narrow kerf chain. If not, would a Stihl chain be compatible with that Oregon SpeedCut bar. Of course the Stihl chain’s pitch, gauge and DL count would be matched to that SpeedCut bar. So, is there anything special about a bar from a narrow kerf cutting system that is problematic to using a non narrow kerf chain with it?
Yes, Stihl do make 0.050" 0.325 narrow kerf chain, RM3 semi-chisel 3695, RS full chisel 3639. Standard Stihl 0.063" 0.325 won't fit Speedcut bars.
I have the Oregon speed cut nano and it really seemed to stretch the first couple tanks of gas. I'm mean like had to tighten like 6 times on a tank of gas. After a few tanks it seems a lot better.
Thanks for all the useful input. The above post describes very well what I experienced. I’m going to get a Stihl or Husky chain for immediate installation and keep the Oregon chain as a spare.
The Stihl 23rspro is essentially the .325nk available at this time. It is a chisel cutter with no bumper drive links. Stihl may on this chasis offer semi chisel and bumpers elsewhere or in the future. If you use Ebay search for code 3690 it is produced in Husky sized loops. If you go to a Stihl dealer that makes chain from rolls 0.325 pitch 0.050 gauge will likely be this product. The words narrow kerf should be edited out from post 2. A few years ago the Stihl 0.063 .325 stuff and the 0.050 0.325 stuff were the same except the lower parts of the drive links.
Thanks for all the useful input. The above post describes very well what I experienced. I’m going to get a Stihl or Husky chain for immediate installation and keep the Oregon chain as a spare.
You may want to try the stihl. Some of the husky chains i've heard are made by Oregon. Ive got both oregon .325 speedcut nano and husky sp21g they are pretty close to the same chain. Both streched
Thanks, I'm aware Stihl sell some different chains in North America, so I looked up their chain codes for narrow kerf 0.325 before posting. I've a loop of the Husky equivalent, which is made by them in Sweden, looks well made but I have not yet had a chance to do back to back comparisons with the Stihl.
I doubt Stihl uses the term narrow kerf. I don't have a current book, but I see 3639 is RSC (c=comfort and since omitted as I understand it).325, 0.063. The code 3690 needs or really should be used with the appropriate splicing components as the whole drive link is flat and 0.050" thick not 0.063" thick and necked down to .050 or .058 as needed.
So, is there anything special about a bar from a narrow kerf cutting system that is problematic to using a non narrow kerf chain with it?
Well yes since the bar is thinner probably by 0.020" for laminated and more than that for solid with replaceable nose the cutters which stick out farther may scuff against the powerhead and or clutch cover. Often there are replaceable blocks at these spots so they will get chewed up more or faster.

With the bars being thinner and less tall than the normal bar. The standard .325cutters being farther off center at the leading point one can make more of a curved cut if so inclined. I would also think a but more forgiving about getting pinched when notching in on the compression side.
You may want to try the stihl. Some of the husky chains i've heard are made by Oregon. Ive got both oregon .325 speedcut nano and husky sp21g they are pretty close to the same chain. Both streched
The SP33G chain is Husky's own proprietary-produced in their own factory chain. It does have the bumper links but it doesn't stretch much, if it all and it is top shelf quality.
My local saw supply store did not have the Stihl RS23 pro (code 3690) available in a 72 DL loop. However, they did have a 72 DL loop of Husky X-cut SP33G so I got one of those. I have ordered a 72 DL loop of Stihl RS23 pro via Ebay. I'm curious to see how these two compare to each other and to the Oregon 95TXL. One thing I have learned from this exchange of info is that these slim "narrow kerf" (Oregon) or "pixel" (Husky) chains likely should not be used on a "standard" thickness bar. However, there are chain options for a "thin" thickness bar. Thanks to you all, I have learned a lot about this.
I replace the speed cut chains with Oregon 20lpx or 20bpx when it wears out. The regular width chain works just fine on the nk bar for me.
I also bought one speed cut bar/chain off amazon that was clearly factory seconds, one side of the chain wasnt hardened and went dull in 1 or 2 cuts. I noticed the softness when I tried to sharpen it, I took half the tooth of in a few swipes with the file lol.

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