First off, before discussing which model would would be the best choice, how big and what kind of wood are you cutting? Any of the saws you mention are more than suited for 10 cords a year of wood, but the best choice will depend upon the size and species of wood you are cutting as well.
As Saw Troll mentioned, the 353 (along with the 359 and 365) are pro saws, but they are slightly torquier, slightly lower revving saws than other pro saws in the Husky lineup. Despite what some believe, this lower revving nature does not mean they are not pro saws. Neither does the XP stand for professional model saws as some believe. It just happens that all the XP's are professional models, but the three non-XP professional models are also pro saws.
As to the 55, it is an older design, which was supposed to be phased out. It is still very popular and more than capable of cutting 10 cords of firewood a year. As was mentioned, it is being phased out by the 455, starting in the US and then coming to Canada. We don't operate under the same draconian EPA clean air laws, so we tend to get the choked up EPA approved models a year or two later in most cases.
As to my personal opinion on what you should buy out of the saws mentioned, the 359 would be the first choice provided you need the extra power and are prepared to deal with the small amount of additional weight.