...And my MS362 rebuild continues to creep along at a snails pace.
I finally got the crankcase reassembled with new bearings. I used the hot and cold method. I heated the bearings and slid them onto a chilled crankshaft, then chilled that unit and seated it into a heated clutch half of the crankcase, then chilled that whole assembly and pushed on the heated remaining case half and bolted it all together. It seemed to work great! I was very impressed, but as I was bolting the case together I noticed that the crankshaft had become very stiff to turn. I wasn't concerned as I remembered hearing somewhere that this is common and that you just need to wack the crankshaft back and forth a few times with a soft-faced hammer in order to free things up after assembly. NO LUCK! It doesn't seem to matter how much I rap on the crank in either direction with my dead-blow mallet. No improvement! Any thoughts?