Nah, just going by what you posted. I've never tried square grind because of the filing hassles which is what keep most people away from it (and sensitivity to dirt). With a Simington grinder though, absolutely no reason not to use it all the time as long as the wood is relatively clean. No question square grind cuts cleaner and faster. I use lo pro chains and bars and sprockets to get the same effect, which mills 30-50 percent faster in most of the tough hardwoods I mill w an ultra clean finish, and requires dramatically less power. (I've milled plenty with a 64cc saw and 36" lo pro bar in 18-30" logs where I would have needed a 661 to run normal 3/8 to even close to the same effect). But it's more suited to sub-36" wood than milling big PNW softwood. People have insisted well it's a tradeoff, smaller teeth means quicker dulling and more time sharpening but I don't find that's the case. Far as I can tell, the less time you spend cutting the less time your teeth are engaged, so it's always a win to reduce time spent cutting.
Forget if you have a 42" bar for your 661, but this is a stellar deal on a top quality titanium GB for it if you need one.