stihl oil and fuel caps

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MY 192T has troubles too. I don't care for them but do like them when they work right. I found that if I tug on them a couple of times before I take it up or have the groudie tug before he send it up I have no problems. Can't we all just get a long.
have had allot of problems with the caps!!that why i call em Jesus in "Jesus ch---- i cant get it on again!!"

He11 Yooper, I thought you called 'em Jesus caps because you consider them a saviour! Can't anyone here post something DonnyO can understand?

Me, I have no problems with the new caps. Fluid go in, cap goes on, cap clips down, fluid stays where I put it. They're dead simple. What more could I ask for?

I used to hate the caps, now I like them. The trouble occurs when you open the oil or gas tank and in doing so you turn the cap past its open position. That is, the top part of the cap twists to its closed position like when it is locked on the neck of the tank. Then when you try to get it on, it won't catch the nub to lock down. I found the easy solution to this problem accidently: I was trying to strangle the cap out of frustration and it flipped back into its open position and went back on without a problem. So, when your cap won't sock up, simply grab the lower stem and twist the upper part whichever way it will go. It will open and you'll be able to pop it back on without a problem. Now go out to your garage, grab your Stihl and try it. You'll be glad you did.
I used to hate the caps, now I like them. The trouble occurs when you open the oil or gas tank and in doing so you turn the cap past its open position. That is, the top part of the cap twists to its closed position like when it is locked on the neck of the tank. Then when you try to get it on, it won't catch the nub to lock down. I found the easy solution to this problem accidently: I was trying to strangle the cap out of frustration and it flipped back into its open position and went back on without a problem. So, when your cap won't sock up, simply grab the lower stem and twist the upper part whichever way it will go. It will open and you'll be able to pop it back on without a problem. Now go out to your garage, grab your Stihl and try it. You'll be glad you did.

I've done that very thing, and you're right that it gets rotated too far sometimes when you open it, but with my saw, it won't seat and snug down unless you push the little grey plastic pin or whatever back into it's slot and reset the sealing ring. The plastic flexes or is warped or something.

The fact that some people have no problem at all and some people are ready to chuck their saws into a chipper indicates that the caps aren't all working the same.

It seems unlikely this a problem with coordination. Too many people having problems. It's pretty much the same cap as the gas cap and nobody is complaining about them. The only explanation I can think of is that some caps are defective... it's not like defective parts are unheard of or anything.
Any of you guys leave the tanks a little less than full when you fill up. I was told by my dealer to do this..............seems to work!

Thats a nice theory Rich, I can pull it off with the gas usually, but the bar oil on the 192 gets me everytime!!!
Thats a nice theory Rich, I can pull it off with the gas usually, but the bar oil on the 192 gets me everytime!!!

Most of the time it is because I don't get the caps lined up right.

IMO Stihl dropped the ball on this one!!!

Are we getting that lazy that we can't unscrew 2 caps!!!

What was Stihl thinking............put'em on the homeowner saws..............leave the pro saws with the screw on caps.............'nuff said!!!
Most of the time it is because I don't get the caps lined up right.

IMO Stihl dropped the ball on this one!!!

Are we getting that lazy that we can't unscrew 2 caps!!!

What was Stihl thinking............put'em on the homeowner saws..............leave the pro saws with the screw on caps.............'nuff said!!!

I didn't mind them to much to start with, I just figured I was to stupid to figure out how to line them up (it happens a lot ya know), but it seemed to get worse and worse. Then when I broke one and had to replace it YIKES!!
ANY model saw, Stihl dropped the ball on this one!!
And matty F

Three people commenting who have OBVIOUSLY never owned a MS200T:bang:

ive owned and used more than i care to think of dude....I filled my ms200 4 times yesterday....fluid in then click with the caps.......I suggest you practise you will find there is a knack ,also with the ms200's tip them to the side when full it gets an air lock in the oil tank out making it a bit easyer.....
To me, they seem to latch better if I don't fill to the brim or overflow, which never happens.

Any of you guys leave the tanks a little less than full when you fill up. I was told by my dealer to do this..............seems to work!

Yeah, that's what I said. It don't matter, I've had all styles of caps pop off over the years. But I don't use a scrench to put the caps back on my husky's, and I still usually need one to get them off.
I say switch to husky

We bought 5 stihls for our climbers last year and there have been nothing but problems. I have a feeling they have been at our technicians table getting fixed more than they have been in the field.

Our huskies on the other hand run great, have no major problems and as long as they are maintained will run forever.

I say switch to husky

We bought 5 stihls for our climbers last year and there have been nothing but problems. I have a feeling they have been at our technicians table getting fixed more than they have been in the field.

Our huskies on the other hand run great, have no major problems and as long as they are maintained will run forever.


Glad your Huskys are working out for you.................but.................I have seen/read the reverse on here as well!!!
I am the only one on my crew to use a 200t with the new caps. The other three climbers use the old screw caps. I like the new style caps, but the screw kind are good too as long as you give an eighth turn past hand tight with a screw driver to make sure they don't come out. I rarely have problems with the new style caps, but EVERYONE else on the crew does. I have had to come out of a tree to put the caps on because they cannot figure it out. I tend to agree with the idea that once you figure the system then they are no problem. The key is not to fill them all the way up. Also, if a problem arises turn them backwards until they line up. That seems to reset the locking system. And yes the Oil cap is the worse of the two.