We are not intimidating but your situation is.The saw is actually inside the cabin for tonight. I’d like to have it inside all the time but with 2 kids in a small cabin, I don’t blame my wife for not liking the idea. I’m fairly new to all this so I’m learning as I go.
Really, thank you to all who have replied. You guys are great and I appreciate it. When I have the chance (I didn’t his afternoon, probably Saturday morning), I’ll bring up all these replies and have my saw in front of me.
I’m a little intimated as I didn’t grow up with stuff like this. Born and raised a city boy for 25 years until I decided I want to get my hands dirty.
Unfortunately we are just starting off so I’m not fortunate enough to have a heated garage or shop. We’re currently planning our off grid homestead so hopefully in a couple years max. Have a lot to do before then.
No worries brother ..we ALL have your back.
Lots of guys with different expertise that you can PM if you feel. Srry I couldn't answer you in F&L section. I still may help but as said, you have to get those questions answerd locally.
all my best