Dang! That is sad you feel that way!
F the people
I need work!
Jeff :frown:
Yeah, we're just like those bloodsucking firemen, just sitting around waiting for someone to get in a wreck, or start a fire. Believe me, after Ike, I couldn't make it to a job without being flagged down by three or four people desperate for my help. Yes I was well compensated, and no I didn't gouge, and yes I provided a valuable service. Do I wish misfortune on people? No. But If Irene does hit, I will be there.
If it hits, I'm on it, need an east coast vacation...........
and it will be #20 for me.......:
Ups and downs to living on Hatteras Island. Looks like we're getting it Sat. as a cat 3. Time to move the truck/trailer up on the ridge and watch the waves come in. Manditory evacuation tommorow AM here, but im sure there'll be plenty of others staying as well. Good luck to whoever else is in the path.