TreeHouse Elder
Too much was taken off at once. 
Originally posted by Dadatwins
Almost looks like backwards topping. They will probably survive but I wonder what they will look like when all the cuts start sending out new growth? Definitely goes into the never seen that before category.
Originally posted by PRUNER 1
wahey i agree and they keep those scummy rags of society, hawkers and gypo's in work. i lose count of fly tipped conifer around here. ide like to burn them all.![]()
Originally posted by jamie
i'll bring the petrol and matches you can bring the saw and we shall cleasne the country of this plauge.....
funny thin i read in a local garden centre 'laylandii clone, will grow quickly to 3 foot then slow down and stop at 6 foot', hmmmm wonder how many folk bought them and watched them grow quickly past 6 foot
Originally posted by PRUNER 1
rollacosta, burn them, burn them quickly, napalm would be a good start! ufortunately they have taken over the neighbourhood where i live, they buy all the houses, do them up like chintzy palaces (3 bed semis) concrete over the gardens and park caravans and transits full of conifer and tarmac on them. they also drive brand new mercs, audis, shoguns, transits and all look like each other. obviously a close knit community with a limited gene pool. sorry for the rant but they really do get my back up.:angry2: :angry2: