Stripping parts

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Freakingstang said:
Here is my take on the situation..

I am not important enough to require my saw to run right now, but if I were in a position to where I needed the saw ASAP. It is nice to know the dealer would do that to get a customer up and running. I would be more tempted to give my business to them in the future (and have) because of the customer service.

Same if I am buying a saw. I wouldn't mind a bit of the handle, starter cover, clutch cover, etc was taken off and replaced. Were are not taking about putting a used wore out looger beat saw part on a brand new saw...

It would be a differant story if the motor was taken apart, but the outside non critical engine pieces are just bolted on in my eyes. No sense in getting worked up over a handle bar, starter assy, pull cord, etc.

What if husky delayed a shipment to the dealer becuase the new 575's has the clutch covers taken off at the factory and put on the last shipment of 372's. Would that change your mind about buying a new saw? didn't think so....

I'm with ya - the dealer did the correct thing by getting a "must have" saw back in the woods. These guys will be back for more business. And no, the "new" saws with external parts swapped out is not something to get worked up over. I'm not. I just believe I would pass on these units, as I would any floor units.

Yes, I got burned on a floor-model before, and perhaps my aversion to pre-sale parts-swapping is partially an occupational hazard. I test stuff for a living. Complex stuff with a myriad (yes, an entire myriad) of desing teams, release engineers, development groups and such contributing to the end product. When a part or system takes a dump, the first thing to be evaluated is the build history of the item. Without fail, if the item has "fingerprints" on it (meaning it has been altered in any way from new-build) it can get difficult for anyone to take responsibility for the failure. Can't say that I blame 'em, either. If I designed a part to be built, finished, and assembled in exacting fashion and then sign-off that all of these steps was done to MY specs, Id NOT want some schmoe diddling with it until after test. On the saw, sure - it's just a starter, just a top handle, just a yadda yadda. And sure it was replaced with presumably exact duplicates and installed properly. Sure the saw will most likely be good as new, nad true, I'd probably never notice. BUT, it's still got fingerprints on it. I'm not asking anyone to accept my (admittedly irrational) philosophy other than my dealer. Oh, and I hear voices.:p
spike60 said:
. Besides, when I replace the starter or top handle, at least I know THOSE parts are screwed on right.

Lol, good point. Just because it's factory doesn't mean it's right. Case in point, one of the 372's I got from madsens had the plastic shattered around the screw boss (hole) on the starter cover. There was also a hole in the box. Once I said there was a hole in the box, Madsens felt it hadda be shipping damage. I asked for them to just send me a new cover but they would not. It ended up going back and a new saw shipped. My point,......., the point is that the shattered plastic did not line up with the hole in the box, the screw was overtightened at the factory. That's the only thing that could shatter it, as it was.

In that instance I'd have been more than happy with a dealer replaced part.
Strange argument.
They all have fingerprints on them. They are all sent "partially assembled" anyway. Go tell the dealer you want to assemble it and not one of his lousy mechanics and THEN see if you warranty will be honored. Or .... suffer with the fingerprints.
Hmmmm this is beginning to remind me of CSI LOL Makes me want to get a fingerprint kit like Barney in Andy Griffith He He :hmm3grin2orange:
Brandia$$ new

So, you get a saw out of the box. No big deal. I just hope if the last saw on the shelf has a brand new replacement part installed to factory specs, you won't mind waiting for the new stock to arrive.A max time of a week, preferably less.
A study in contrasts. We have several Stihl and Husky " dealers"in the area. We have only two real saw shops,one Husky and one Stihl. The dealers won't pull so much as a bar nut off of a saw....the saw shops will do just about anything you need to get you going again. Guess who gets all of our business? I've been buying from the Stihl saw shop for many years. Maybe some saw I bought had had parts borrowed from it at one time or another...maybe not. Doesn't matter. Same fine saw....same fine service. I hear the same about the saw shop that sells Husky.
A study in contrasts. We have several Stihl and Husky " dealers"in the area. We have only two real saw shops,one Husky and one Stihl. The dealers won't pull so much as a bar nut off of a saw....the saw shops will do just about anything you need to get you going again. Guess who gets all of our business? I've been buying from the Stihl saw shop for many years. Maybe some saw I bought had had parts borrowed from it at one time or another...maybe not. Doesn't matter. Same fine saw....same fine service. I hear the same about the saw shop that sells Husky.

Good point of distinction.

As long as the dealer restores the saw to factory condition before selling it to me, I have no no problem with parts swapping/cannibalization.
Well Spike we all have robbed a part here or there to get a customer going. Generally if I need a part I will open a new saw in a box rather than a display model lol.

Bump you said you had issues with a Pooolan that had been tampered My question is was it a dealer or a box or hardware type store?

I asked a couple questions today to my customers if they were buying a saw would it matter if it was one on my display or would I have to open a box? Every time they said a display model would be fine. That being said.. My display models are there for sale yes customers do pick them up for weight and balance comparisons. If they want to run one I grab a demo from the Shop Floor and take them to the ole pile of sticks out back.. That usually wins them over every time.

Kidding? No, no I'm not. The B/C, I could see being removed and replaced, as it's a dealer-installed set anyway. Since I get out-of-the-box machines, that's moot anyway.

Anything that's bolted together in the factory better still be that way when I take posession of the saw. I will not pay full retail for a parts saw. Once parts have been swapped, it's not the same saw as it was when it left the factory. Cherry's been busted. I'm not saying it's logical, sensical, or even practical, but that's a line I have drawn in the sand for myself and if my dealer wants to sell me a brand-new saw, he's just going to have to cross it. I don't dick with his quirk of getting full retail, he can certainly deal with me on this.

I said from the outset that I was anal about it, I was NOT kidding.

Put yourself on the other end of the stick. What if you walked into a saw shop and needed a starter cover they didn't have in stock. Would you stop them from taking a starter cover off a new saw to sell you?

Personally, I think it's a great thing to do to establish customer loyalty.
All these posts and still no videos of strippers, parts or otherwise.:chainsaw:

Surely some of you have videos, you have videos of everything else. By the way, I put finger prints on all the saws in the shop, some are longer than others.

Floor models=gently admired, frequently touched and always discounted.
Put yourself on the other end of the stick. What if you walked into a saw shop and needed a starter cover they didn't have in stock. Would you stop them from taking a starter cover off a new saw to sell you?

Personally, I think it's a great thing to do to establish customer loyalty.

I stated in at least two posts that I applaud the dealer for getting those saws and sawyers back in the wood. I can appreciate the "make it happen" stance - I can't be more clear on that. BUT, I also feel that disclosure be made regarding the cannibalization, and a box unit be made available if the buyer prefers that. Some members here could give a hoot, and that's cool with me, but I do give a hoot.

The Poulan that soured me to display models was from a home improvement center with blue logo. They made the price right, but it was still a POS. I can't fault the seller, I knew full well that I was getting a last-year's display saw, and took the chance. I didn't come out as far on top as I hoped, and just don't care to take that chance again. Just pop the box, gimme a freshie, and we'll seal a deal.

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